Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

VOTE YES ON S 444 and HR 79

Block Biden from signing away our freedoms!

Globalists are pushing hard to grab control at the international level through the World Health Organization. Joe Biden's administration has repeatedly signaled his plan to sign on to the new Pandemic Treaty and new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) to help them accomplish this.

If passed, S 444 will STOP Biden’s plan dead in its tracks. They will ensure 2/3 Senate must approve any international agreement. And HR 79 will block our tax dollars from funding this global Marxist agenda. Fax Congress NOW to save America from Biden’s one world order plans.

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Fax ALL previous options plus the U.S. Senate for just 79!

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Vote YES on S 444 and HR 79

Dear Member of Congress,

As a U.S. citizen, I am writing to respectfully demand that you VOTE YES on S 444 and HR 79. In S 444, the United States Congress retains and affirms its constitutional duty of approving ANY treaty by a 2/3 vote of the U.S. Senate before any administration adopts or signs America on to any treaty. And HR 79 will defund the globalist power grab at the World Health Organization to control over every aspect of America.

This would include the upcoming United Nations’ World Health Organization’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and associated International Health Regulations.

America must not be put under ANY international law, treaty, or device without the oversight and consent of our duly elected representatives in Congress.

Please take your constitutionally prescribed duty as seriously as I take my citizenship by voting YES on S 444 and HR 79.


(Your Name)