Save Religious Freedom in America!
Radicals are seeking to enforce a bill misnamed the “Equality Act” that will unleash the most radical, anti-religious discrimination America has yet faced. This legislation would do the following:
- Force churches, mosques, and synagogues to either promote LGBT activities or face devastating court fees and bankruptcy.
- Destroy gender privacy in every bathroom, locker room, and shower outside your private home.
- Force all Christian organizations, businesses, and schools to hire “transgenders.”
- Silence those wanting to be freed from same-sex attractions or behavior; this could even lead to banning portions of the Bible because it offers the power to free people desiring to change or overcome unwanted LGBTQ attractions or behavior.
- Enact many other bigoted directives that would effectively criminalize Christianity in America.
- …and there are ZERO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS in this bill.
Add your name to our urgent petition below:
Save religious freedom in America!
To: Members of the United States Congress
We, the undersigned, believe the so-called “Equality Act” is a thinly veiled attempt to destroy religious freedom in America. It establishes a legal foundation to attack those who live out their faith in public through its far-reaching provisions.
This bill’s anti-religious bigotry tries to force people of faith to embrace what they sincerely believe to be sinful. The harmful consequences of this bill will exclude people of faith from being business owners, landlords, Uber drivers or foster parents. It prohibits people of faith from running adoption agencies, schools, daycare centers, and homeless shelters according to their faith. This bill even burdens businesses offering public restrooms with compliance requirements that encourage the abuse of young girls.
We stand united against the passage of the misnamed “Equality Act” and urge you to reject this ill-conceived bill.