To: Members of the United States Congress
Dear _____,
The “Inflation” bill will weaponize the IRS, which has a proven bias against honest Americans. The recent definition of the IRS for 501(c)(3) status in a 2021 letter will even exclude churches from tax-exempt status!
This bill will do all of the following:
- Raise gas prices.
- Reward the rich with “green” kickbacks and increase taxes on poorer people unable to afford luxury items.
- Discourage medical innovation.
- Take away private decisions about our health care.
- Expand the failed “Obamacare.”
- Hamper family businesses while it turns a blind eye to corrupt business practices.
- Push states to pick winners and losers in energy suppliers.
- Encourage radicalized socialism.
- Crush freedom.
- And it will do all of this while pouring billions of dollars into an economy facing staggering inflation, which will increase that inflation even more!
I am putting you on notice that American voters are watching this bill and your vote on it. I urge you to stand against this dangerous legislation and vote against the misnamed “Inflation Reduction Act.
(Your Name)