Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

LCA Fights Massachusetts’ Radical Abortion Bill (Press Release)

Jun 18, 2019

Boston, MA – Liberty Counsel Action’s Senior Counsel for Governmental Affairs, Jonathan Alexandre, presented testimony at the capital at Massachusetts against a bill that will allow abortion from “conception to crowning” within the commonwealth yesterday. The bill allows the nebulous reason of the “mental health” of the mother which is used to allow abortion on a viable child for no reason at all. In addition, the bill known as Roe Act (S 1209 and H 3320) will create the following legal circumstance:

  • Eliminate parental consent
  • Remove a reflection period prior to an abortion
  • Eliminate life-saving equipment in the room, in case the infant is born alive
  • Remove the requirements that abortions after 24 weeks be performed in a hospital
  • Allow telemedicine, abortion-inducing drug regimens, and more.
  • Use tax dollars to pay for abortions for poor and also uninsured women who have an income up to 200% of the federal poverty level
  • Remove any mention of unborn children and their humanity
  • Subject abortion reporting to the whims of the State Department of Public Health


Alexandre’s testimony stated, “What is actually happening here is that the commonwealth is sanctioning, escalating, and championing the murder of its preborn in the womb. Because of laws like this in 2017 out of more than 10,000 black babies conceived in this commonwealth 3,314 ended in abortion. As a black American and product of this state I see that the real victims of this expansion of abortion will be the nearly one in three black babies who will not enjoy life but will face death because of laws like this.”

The Roe Act “is not a compassionate bill, it is the opposite. It is the most atrocious ongoing actions that our commonwealth tolerates. This is the practice of tearing a baby limb from limb, poisoning it, or starving it to death within its mother's womb. This bill expands it to any medically conceivable method. The manners to kill a baby under this proposed law seem endless. And instead of heeding the unequivocal scientific evidence that shows us through ultrasounds and surgery's performed on babies in utero that there is a distinct and precious life growing, maturing and developing in the womb, we are going in the opposite direction. Expanding abortion to 24 weeks, when many babies can survive outside of the woman,” said Alexandre.

“While more and more states are passing laws which require appropriate medical care and treatment for babies who are in the womb, Massachusetts is now careening towards blatant infanticide by leaving a child to suffer and die even after failed abortion,” said Alexandre.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4), nonprofit, grassroots organization advancing religious and civil liberties, the sanctity of human life, the family, limited and responsible government, national security, and support for Israel in Washington D.C. and across America. Liberty Counsel Action can provide interviews by email, phone, and broadcast quality TV interviews via Hi-Def Skype and LTN at no cost.
