Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 18, 2019
Proof leaked out that Google was changing search results manually to favor Democratic politicians and positions. This is a huge breach of trust that even includes false testimony from Google’s CEO to Congress! Act now to stop this Silicon Valley censorship. - Mat
One Google staff member said, “We have tons of white- and blacklists that humans manually curate,” while hoping that “this isn’t surprising or particularly controversial.”
Silicon Valley has done enough pushing of their radical liberal views down Americans’ throats. Now is the time to stand up to it and demand that Google respect our First Amendment protections and take a neutral stance on political issues. Take a moment right now to sign Liberty Counsel Action’s petition urging Congress to punish the company for false testimony and establish standards that will protect free speech.
Google has repeatedly (and falsely) tried to hide its bias against conservatives, even in testimony before Congress last month. In a before-and-after comparison on YouTube results, the search engine manually pushed conservative views off the first page of results. When a liberal reporter complained to Google about pro-life videos being included in the search results, that same day the company manually changed their results to only included a pro-abortion viewpoint in the whole first page! Even after being exposed, the company still lists videos just from Planned Parenthood as six of the top ten. There are also a few liberal BuzzFeed videos and even a video to Planned Parenthood’s political action group! Only one video is from a pro-life perspective, and it is ranked ninth.
This evidence stands in stark contrast to the following assurances from Google that we now know are blatantly false:
These statements are simply lies and more lies!
Help Liberty Counsel Action hold their feet to the fire! Sign a petition to Congress to demand that tech giants stop censoring and hiding conservative viewpoints.
I am excited to be involved in this battle for free speech and to have you on our team!
Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action