Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Outlawing Christianity

Mar 15, 2019

Democrat leaders declared today that they will aggressively push forward one of the most anti-Christian, dangerous and highly bigoted bills I have yet seen! Join me to fight against this attempt to reorder American culture that would be totally disastrous for the Church in America – Mat.

Nine U.S. Congressmen held a press conference about the badly misnamed "Equality Act" yesterday. Through this outrageous legislation, radical Leftists intend to force you to embrace their “favored sins.” We must rise up with a unified voice to fight against HR 5 with everything we have!  

For starters, this bill destroys bathroom privacy. It would welcome both genders into every bathroom in America.  

It directs religious schools and daycare centers to force children to obey adults who show up at work one day as a man and the next day as a woman. These children are at a highly impressionable age. When kindergartners have seen such events in the past, many have gone home shaking and crying, worried that they could wake up with a different gender! 

And, this bill gags counselors from giving professional help to those facing unwanted same-sex desires or actions. It even criminalizes those who share their own story of finding freedom in Christ from homosexuality in a book or speaking engagement. This bill literally sets the stage for banning the Bible, which offers the power to free those wanting to turn away from homosexual conduct. 

And there is NO RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION to this bill! 

Even though this bill will do much more than I have described so far, have you heard enough to stand with me and fight this outrageous bill? Sign Liberty Counsel Action’s petition right now to oppose HR 5... 

Further, this bill demands that every religious adoption agency place innocent children in homes with adults involved in same-sex conduct. And it also demands that religious families be willing to accept practicing LGBT minors in their home as a prerequisite to being approved as foster parents.  

Under HR 5, property owners would be forced to accept renters whose actions violate their religious beliefs, including renting out a room in their home or their private vacation home. 

Home-based businesses would be forced to hire and welcome LGBT people into their privately-owned home, even if they are trying to raise their children according to their own religious beliefs! 

This legislation would create many more victims -- like women in shelters who have been sexually assaulted by a man posing as a "transgender" to gain access to the facility.  

All of these situations, and many more there simply isn’t space to describe, will come about under the provisions of HR 5!  I pray you will get involved right now! We must fight this unacceptable, bigoted, over-reaching bill with every resource available. The first step is to add your name to our petition

Liberty Counsel Action will be telling our legislators in no uncertain terms that HR 5 is totally unacceptable! But we will be fighting some very powerful forces as we do so!  

Members of Congress will have several of the most deep-pocketed special-interest lobbyists in America on one shoulder and mainstream reporters perched on the other. Both will completely ignore the interests of Christians and  followers of other religions. 

We must act right now to stop this "criminalization of Christianity." We are fighting today for the right to peacefully live out our faith in our own nation.   

In politics, money and media often play the role of two Goliaths. Liberty Counsel Action will be fighting them both at the same time!  I ask you to prayerfully consider giving your best possible gift to Liberty Counsel Action right now. If we lose the battle over HR 5, it will take decades of costly litigation to try to regain our constitutional rights that will be lost.  

Click here to donate

We need to act together to make our voices heard on Capitol Hill above the din of anti-Christian bigots. HR 5 must never be enacted! 


Mat Staver
Chairman, Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. One of the most ill-conceived, farthest-reaching bills that I have yet seen is before the U.S. House right now. I need your help to stop the badly misnamed "Equality Act" (HR 5) that will criminalize religious beliefs and the people that hold them.  

In years past, we fought and won in one community in which teachers were forced into a closet to pray out of fear that someone would see them. I can't imagine what our nation will suffer if HR 5 is enacted into law!   

Sign Liberty Counsel Action's petition today to start the fight against this outrageous bill. Then join our efforts by donating and forwarding this message to like-minded friends who want to see religious freedom saved in America.