Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Aug 4, 2020
People are dying without the medications they want and need because Big Tech has intertwined with Big Pharma to deny safe treatments to sick people in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Tech companies are silencing medical professionals, including a Yale medical professor with both PhD and MD degrees in epidemiology, a Board-Certified doctor with 31 years of experience who also has a law degree from Stanford, and many more.
Big Tech is trying to hide the truth about hydroxychloroquine so that sick people don't even know what to ask for. Fight back against this censorship today with your fax to Congress and bureaucrats to hold these corporations accountable. -Mat
President Trump issued an Executive Order that echoed Liberty Counsel Action's demands to repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. This section gives Big Tech legal immunity for censoring and silencing speech that does not match their company's political agenda. This law was passed when social media platforms and search engines were neutral. Now they are the worst censors.
But the President needs your help. He only has the authority to direct the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to adopt rules restricting Section 230. Any repeal of this section must pass through Congress. But there appears to be bi-partisan anger against Big Tech. The recent censorship that has sparked so much uproar presents an opportunity for us to act now.
Liberty Counsel Action has the fax numbers for many home districts so that you can contact these legislators and make them hear your voice demanding freedom for the American people.
In a few hours, my staff and I will speak directly with America's Frontline Doctors. This group is led by Dr. Simone Gold. She is a rare person who is both a doctor of 31 years and a Stanford-educated lawyer.
Now is a historic opportunity to stand with Dr. Gold and hold Big Tech accountable. The only way to rein in these corporations is for freedom loving patriots rise up and make our voices heard in the offices of your Congress member and on the desks of Big Bureaucrats. Send your fax to the FCC and Congress today.
In case you missed it. About a dozen medical experts gathered on Capitol Hill last week to give a press conference discussing the research of about 18 medical studies and medical journals all pointing to the drug and their personal experiences as doctors on the frontlines of COVID-19. They exposed explosive details of how relevant information about hydroxychloroquine has been censored.
But rather than allowing you to view the press conference and decide for yourself, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Squarespace censored these medical experts because their opinions did not align with the political agenda of these Big Tech and Pharma companies.
Liberty Counsel Action has created a two-step plan to break this censorship. We need your help to demand a solution.
In addition to directing the FTC to take action, President Trump asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) a second time to make rules to regulate the companies that are censoring social media. The FCC just blew off the President the first time. We need to flood the offices of the FCC to demand that they take action now.
The experts that we will be talking to today have extensive, firsthand experience. Hydroxychloroquine has been used for 65 years. Especially in Africa and Latin America, it has been used over the counter without prescription for malaria. It has been used safely for decades.
In addition, there have been many independent studies since February 19, 2020, which show the effectiveness of using it to treat COVID-19 with some form of hydroxychloroquine. Studies were from France, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Iran, New York, China, and one study that spanned 16 countries. In New York, a nursing home, which usually sees more than a 50 percent death rate, dropped their death rate to less than 6 percent. Studies that did not show improvement involved patients who received the treatment 10 days after the onset of symptoms. Early treatment is very important, she said.
But mentioning real medical studies or clinical experience is not allowed on Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram, if some tech geek disagrees with you.
I am sick of Big Tech censoring and de-platforming speech with which they don't approve. The FTC, and the FCC must establish protections for speech and Congress must remove legal immunity from Big Tech when they infringe on speech. Send your fax to the FCC and Congress today.
Big Tech doesn't want you to hear alternative viewpoints that can save lives.
When I was growing up, the Soviet Union was a world power. Its state-run media was Pravda, which censored everything the people read or saw. I was glad to live in America where we could know the truth. But now we are no different than the state-run media of a communist country, with social media and other traditional media misrepresenting and/or censoring information.
Will we allow censorship—by our silence—when the Soviet Union had to enforce it at the point of a gun? Make your voice heard in the FCC and Congress to end this censorship by sending your fax now.
Whether you agree with these doctors or not, Americans need to maintain the freedom to hear differing viewpoints and to evaluate all the evidence and decide for themselves what is true.
Send a fax and sign our petition to the FTC, FCC and congressional leaders.
It's our goal at Liberty Counsel Action to build an educated, organized army of peaceful patriots that can fight for our constitutional rights in the halls of Congress and bureaucratic offices all around our nation. We can only do this because of the faithful support of freedom-loving Americans who partner with our vision and support our organization.
I want you to have the ability to see several perspectives and decide for yourself what is the truth. Not to have some computer geek decide what medical information you can and can't have.
From fear to faith,
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. We cannot let lies and fake news control us. It's time to stand up for our liberties and the freedom of speech. Now is the time to rise up and fight against these Big Tech censors, who demand that you live in fear. Send a fax demanding that legislators and the FCC move to protect the freedom of information and free speech.
I invite you to forward this message to friends who want to see freedom preserved in America. And then sign our petition to protect free speech.
Each day brings a new set of expenses to keep our ministry moving forward. If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, I would be grateful for your partnership in the vision to restore freedom in America. God bless you.
P.P.S. If you haven't read the studies for yourself yet, here is a powerful compilation of medical studies and articles LCA created for you.