Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Aug 24, 2020
Late on Friday, Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver stated he "plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public," and that those plans will continue "as long as he is still the Health Commissioner."
"Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available," reported WRIC. "Under state law, only people with a medical exemption could refuse the mandate."
That’s 8.3 million people who will be forced to take a severely under-tested injection at the finger snap of an unelected official. There is no word on which vaccine he will use, but many of the frontrunner vaccines include cell lines taken from an aborted child.
I had just warned of this on Friday and, within hours, my concerns materialized. Mandatory vaccine orders are now being created and publicized even before the vaccines finish their trials. Now is the time to fight this with your fax to state governors and legislators who have the authority to stop this, can replace these unelected dictators, and can restore medical freedom today. -Mat
States might try to limit access to schools, services, and jobs, and even levy fines or jail time for a person who refuses to get this mandatory vaccine.
There are a shocking 53 unique medical studies internationally that show hydroxychloroquine has positive treatment results for COVID-19. Despite that, Virginia’s Dr. Oliver made the bald-faced lie that "we don’t have a treatment for it."
This one article shows why it is critical for so-called "experts" to destroy anything that actually improves outcomes for COVID-19 patients. They need the "public health crisis" to still be here when their vaccine is launched. And they need people living in fear to accept the government’s intrusion into their own bodies.
If we would just use the incredibly cheap HCQ, we could have saved 100,000 lives, according to Yale’s respected Dr. Harvey Risch. However, State Health Commissioner Oliver claims the under-tested vaccines will "save hundreds and hundreds of lives." I would rather save a hundred thousand lives and my liberty than save a couple hundred lives while lining the pockets of Big Pharma and rewarding them for the harvested cells of an aborted baby used to make many of the frontrunner vaccines.
We need to send an urgent message to the governors and legislators that oversee these health experts and demand that they be corrected or removed. This is the best way to preserve our American liberties ... or else be prepared to bow before mandatory injections into our own bodies, our children, and even our grandchildren.
Nearly every vaccine being tested requires at least two shots. At an estimate of 45 dollars per shot, just the state of Virginia alone will put almost 750 million dollars into the pockets of whichever company rolls out their vaccine first. Holding these numbers steady for the whole world would correlate to 684,000,000,000 dollars being paid to these pharmaceutical corporations.
That is a lot of motivation to be the first vaccine. But it gets even worse.
We have removed the motivation to ensure that they will make the vaccine safe. Our government has already changed who will be responsible for paying damages from new treatments for COVID-19, even if they cause severe reaction or death. The person responsible? It’s you—the taxpayer!
Now, Congress is debating making U.S. taxpayers, not the vaccine development companies, financially responsible for any reactions or wrongful deaths caused by the vaccines. This means that these pharmaceutical corporations will have zero financial responsibility to ensure the vaccines are safe.
In addition, legislators in Congress are fighting over legal liability for business owners whose employees get COVID at work. If radicals can force business owners to be liable, the number of private companies that will demand vaccinations as a requirement for employment will skyrocket. Our nation is quickly rushing headlong into both public and private pressure to demand this vaccine.
In addition, these vaccine manufactures are warning that vaccines could provide as low as 50% effectiveness against COVID-19—and that even in the people who are successfully immune, that immunity could last as short as three months before the virus could mutate enough to avoid the vaccines’ protections altogether and render the vaccine worthless.
Experts (including Dr. Anthony Fauci) guess that the vaccines’ immunity might last, at the longest, a year. So, these companies are salivating over these huge numbers likely becoming an annual income ... as long as their vaccine is first on the market.
There is huge pressure and financial motivation pushing these vaccines to be mandatory. Freedom-loving patriots need to push back immediately to stop these injections from being forced on every man, woman and child across America. Send your urgent fax right away.
Because our staff is on Capitol Hill, we can have our finger on the pulse of what battles are coming in our nation. We can warn you and effectively prepare to fight against the infringement on your freedom.
All of this is only possible because of the generous donations of friends and partners who are alarmed about this government intrusion into the lives of every single American. I invite you to support our ministry today.
I want to leave you with these words in Isaiah: " are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear. ... Then He shall become a sanctuary..." Isaiah 8:12b-14a.
I encourage you to join me on your knees to pray for America, and then rise up to fight for our liberty right now.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. We have a very small window to fight against this announcement of a mandatory vaccine in Virginia before other states adopt this same stance and this battle grows exponentially. The damage to our freedoms could be incalculable and permanent. Will you stand with us? Fight for liberty by sending a fax to the politicians we need to influence in order to STOP mandatory vaccinations.
If you haven't already, please sign Liberty Counsel Action's petition against mandatory government tracking and vaccinations.
Your prayers and donations are appreciated now more than ever as Liberty Counsel Action fights at the epicenter of this battle. God bless you!
DeFusco, Jackie and Emma North. WRIC: ABC Channel 8. Virginia Health Commissioner says he’ll mandate a COVID-19 vaccine. (Updated: 2020, August 22).
Ellis, Steve. Roll Call. Blanket COVID-19 liability shield will cost taxpayers. (2020, August 21).
Fahmy, Asmae. Very Well Health. COVID-19 Antibodies Only Last About 3 Months, Studies Find. (2020, July 27).
Golden, C. Douglas. Western Journal. Expert Warns America: Here's What States May Do If You Refuse a COVID Vaccine. (2020, August 22).
Lendman Stephen. Global Research. Exempting Big Pharma from COVID-19 Vaccines Liability. (2020, August 3).
Lovelace Jr., Berkeley and Noah Higgins-Dunn. CNBC. Dr. Anthony Fauci says chance of coronavirus vaccine being highly effective is ‘not great.’ (2020, August 7).