Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Oct 6, 2020
UPDATE: The article below was updated on October 10, 2020. Vaxxas responded to a reader to confirm that their system is capable of using dye and as done so in “model systems.” However, in a forwarded email, the CEO of Vaxxas David Hoey's stated they did not include dye in this test. Vaxxas refused multiple attempts by LCA staff to confirm this statement directly.
Your tax dollars are helping test a vaccine injection system that can include dye resulting in a tattoo under a person’s skin. While not visible to the naked eye, this proof of vaccine can be seen by holding a modified cellphone over the injection site to scan if the person has received the vaccine in question or not.
This technology is being rebranded as a “high density micro-array patch” or HD-MAP in an effort to hide that this type of micro needle system already was launched four months ago under the name "quantum dot tattoos" and includes “tags” that can be made visible on each person that receives this vaccine delivery system.
(Photo Credit: Business Wire) Vaxxas HD-MAP Application
A company, Vaxxas, announced its 22-million-dollar grant from the U.S. Health and Human Services yesterday. Its goal is to test this HD-MAP technology on 400 people using the flu vaccine. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has poured millions of dollars into this company and technology over the past few years.
Bill Gates' stated goal is to create a vaccine system that would allow health professionals (or anyone) to scan your body to see which vaccines you’ve received.
Originally, this was not something Bill Gates was trying to hide. "We will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or, when we have a vaccine, who has received it," he said publicly.
But what Vaxxas is not saying in their press release (and what they are hoping you will not remember) is that this type of injection method already was developed by Assistant Professor Dr. Kevin McHugh of Rice University (which was also paid for by the Gates’ foundation) to have a scannable dye included.
If a COVID-19 (or any) vaccine becomes mandatory, those who have received it using this delivery system with dye would have to undergo a scan of the part of their body that got the vaccine and dye injection in order to gain entrance to school, work, the grocery store, pharmacy, etc.
The pieces of this technology are falling into place. It just needs the nod from a government leader or CEO to include dye in any potentially mandatory vaccines across all of America. Send your urgent fax to demand that governors and senators stand up and fight against a mandatory vaccine.
Already, Germany and Australia are building manufacturing facilities to launch this new technology. Each location can create nearly 300 million vaccines with this micro-needle technology per year. Combined, that would cover the vast majority (80%) of the 750 million vaccines given on average per year across the world.
Months ago, I exposed privacy concerns about what this technology could do. However, so-called “factcheckers” rushed to claim that the story was “fake” based on the flimsy claim that Bill Gates had not publicly discussed this available technology for specific use with COVID-19 vaccines.
Now, Vaxxas, heavily funded by the Gates’ foundation, claimed yesterday its goal is to “improve performance of other pandemic vaccines including against COVID-19.” (emphasis added)
In addition, the vaccine company Merek is developing this technology and “has exercised its option to utilize Vaxxas’ proprietary High Density Microarray Patch (HD-MAP) platform for a vaccine candidate.” The company is in the process of developing two potential COVID-19 vaccines in addition to 11 other current vaccines on the market now.
This tiny vaccine delivery patch is only about 1/3 of an inch square and has needles less than 1/100 of an inch deep. After receiving it, the technology is in place to be able to scan on your physical body to see your vaccine history.
Even if we set this new technology aside, vaccine manufacturers were already planning to develop more than 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine before the end of 2020.
And there is no talk of exemptions for personal or religious reasons.
If we, the American people, want to retain our freedom, it is urgent that we rise up right now and let our elected officials know that we demand the freedom to take, or not to take, a vaccine as we believe is best.
Our staff members on the Hill are working with conservative political leaders who are asking questions, and we are in high level meetings to build concerns about this technology and how it could infringe on your freedom. We are also bringing our concerns to the White House for additional assistance.
But we can only do this because of your support of our ministry's vision. Your gift helps us bring light to the darkness and give strength to silenced voices. I ask you to give your best gift today to help our mission or sign up for recurring monthly donations to keep us moving forward.
Please join me in praying for our nation and the future path that we will take. I also ask for your prayers for Liberty Counsel Action and patriots across America to help influence what this future will look like.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. Now is the time for us to push back and win this battle for freedom in the legislatures across America. Send a fax demanding that legislators and governors make sure that the choice to vaccinate stays truly free.
If you cannot send a fax today, please sign our petition to leaders and to the White House urging them to provide national leadership to protect your freedom.
If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, we would deeply appreciate your partnership with us in this mission. Again, thank you and God bless.
UPDATE: This article was updated on October 10, 2020. Vaxxas responded to a reader to confirm that their system is capable of using dye and as done so in “model systems.” However, the CEO of Vaxxas, David Hoey said they did not yet include dye in this test. Vaxxas refused multiple attempts by LCA staff to confirm this statement.
Vaxxas. (2020, May 28). Vaxxas Announces That Merck Exercises Option to Apply Novel Immune System Activation Platform for Vaccine Candidate. Business Wire.