Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Bombshell: Chinese Military Tied to Wuhan Lab

Apr 29, 2021

The U.K.'s Daily Mail obtained hidden documents that "scientists at Wuhan lab helped the Chinese army in a secret project to find animal viruses" and that—despite public denials of Wuhan Institute of Virology's leadership—their program was, in fact, run "alongside military officials."

This document ties the Chinese military to the roots of COVID-19, which I'll explain more below. But right now, we are facing an increasing threat on our freedom here in America. The editorial board at the San Francisco Chronicle just pushed a piece entitled "Why it's time to demand COVID vaccine passports in the Bay Area."

You can bet this neighbor to Silicon Valley is not envisioning a paper passport but one that can track your every move, who you're associated with and what places it will allow you to go. Can you imagine what would happen if this technology was already in place when California shut down churches for a whole year?

The threat to your freedom is incredibly high. We have seen schools pushing to vaccinate young children without even informing their parents, dozens of nations pushing for vaccine passports and entire states rolling out these COVID tracing and tracking apps. Demand freedom from MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS and TRACING APPS with your fax to our state and national leaders today! - Mat

This joint venture of Wuhan scientists and a high-ranking Chinese army colonel was "a major project called 'the discovery of animal-delivered pathogens carried by wild animals,' which set out to find organisms that could infect humans and investigate their evolution. It was launched in 2012 and funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The project was led by Xu Jianguo, who boasted at a conference in 2019 that 'a giant network of infectious disease prevention and control is taking shape'" (emphasis added).

The officer involved, Col. Cao Wuchun, is a member of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's advisory board. He was also "listed on project reports as a researcher from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army, works closely with other military scientists and is director of the Military Biosafety Expert Committee." He also was "second-in-command of the military team sent into the city ... to respond to the new virus and develop a vaccine."

China absolutely hated President Trump because of his strong stance on international trade! Now it has an American president and family beholden to them! And now, there is leaked information that the Chinese military was involved in the Wuhan lab's leadership!

We need to ensure that our freedom in America to travel, get groceries, dine out, go to church or visit a family member is NOT EVER restricted by a vaccine passport. Demand freedom from MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS and TRACING APPS!

The same day this news broke regarding China, the San Francisco Chronicle wrote, "people who are vaccine-resistant are less likely to respond to science-heavy harangues from on high than the considered advice of people they know and trust. ... Proof of vaccination can also be part of the solution ... the same credentials could just as easily be framed as a respectful request from one's neighborhood barber or bartender for an assurance of their safety and that of their customers. It's in that spirit that more Californians should be cajoled into joining the vaccinated crowd—and presenting their ‘passports' without hesitation" (emphasis added).

Remember what MIT observed: "This new social order will seem unthinkable to most people in so-called free countries. But any change can quickly become normal if people accept it."

News broke that the Chinese government monitoring is happening internationally. One restaurant in Canada had 60 cameras trained on just 30 tables. Its manager confirmed this was a "part of the social credit system in China" to monitor the speech of everyone in the restaurant and to "‘punish' staff if they didn't adhere to corporate standards and to ‘people track.'" The manager admitted the videos are "sent back to China."

"We the People" must reject this social control on the heels of a Communist China virus! Stop this insanity. Tell governors and legislators NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS or TRACKING APPS.

Remember when Dr. Anthony Fauci said the following: "There is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases," during a "Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration" speech on Jan. 10, 2017 (just days before Trump took office). "The thing we're extraordinarily confident about is that we're going to see this in the next few years."

Part of his "extraordinary confidence" may have come from the fact that between 2014 and 2019, Dr. Fauci paid a total of $3.7 million in grants to EcoHealth Alliance to study the "risk of future coronavirus (CoV) emergence from wildlife using in-depth field investigations across the human-wildlife interface in China." According to the Washington Examiner, bats are one of the main focuses of this group.

As much as 700,000 of our tax dollars was funneled through Dr. Fauci's National Institutes of Health to this same Wuhan Institute of Virology, when it was allegedly continuing research deemed so dangerous that Homeland Security banned it in the United States. Funding it in other countries was prohibited, but Dr. Fauci funneled your tax dollars to Wuhan anyway. And these studies included the virus family that caused this pandemic within the same year of his organization's last grant to this Chinese program, which I exposed to my LC Action friends exactly a year and two days ago!

This is the same virus that rocketed Dr. Fauci from obscurity to become a household name dictating which family members could see each other and how they would celebrate Easter and Christmas, and even which family member you are allowed to hug!

At another time, these actions would be called treason. But instead, Dr. Fauci is now the highest-paid person in the U.S. federal government!

Now is the time to push back against these plans in San Francisco, New York, Alaska and Nevada right now to turn America into a communist country. Stand up for freedom. Tell governors and legislators NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS or TRACKING APPS.

Thanks to your support, LC Action is raising awareness and fighting against mandatory vaccine passports and tracing apps. We want to equip you to effectively fight back. Prayerfully consider donating today so we can continue to fight for freedom. Support LC Action's work with a monthly donation or a one-time gift here or click the button below.



Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Send a critical fax to key leaders demanding they block mandates for a vaccine or "passport" for law-abiding Americans. Then donate today to empower LC Action to keep fighting this battle. Finally, if you haven't already, sign our petition to these leaders to be delivered at critical moments in this fight.



Andrzejewski, A. (2021, Jan 25). Dr. Anthony Fauci: The highest paid employee in the entire U.S. Federal Government. Forbes.

Birrell, I. (Updated: 2021, Apr 25). Worrying new clues about the origins of Covid: How scientists at Wuhan lab helped Chinese army in secret project to find animal viruses, writes IAN BIRRELL. Daily Mail.

Chronicle Editorial Board (2021, Apr 25). Editorial: Why it's time to demand COVID vaccine passports in the Bay Area. San Francisco Chronicle.

Coleman, K. (2021, Feb 21). Dr. Fauci says it's safe for you to do this once you're vaccinated. Best Life Online.

Liberty Counsel Action. (2020, Apr 27). Did Fauci pay to create the crisis in China...

McGregor, S. & Mitchell, I. (2021, Apr 17). China's social credit program creeps into Canada. The Sunday Guardian.

Meier, T. (2021, Apr 27). China in Focus (April 27): Alleged Cooperation Between Chinese Military and Wuhan Lab. The Epoch Times: TV.

Sadeghi, M. (2020, Jul 29). Fact check: Fauci warned Trump administration in 2017 of surprise infectious disease outbreak. USA Today.