Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

It's Time to Fire Fauci--Here's Why

Jun 4, 2021

Explosive information was just released from Dr. Anthony Fauci's emails. The emails show that Fauci KNEW about the risky "gain-of-function" research at the Wuhan lab where he sent your tax dollars, and he intentionally lied under oath to Congress and to the American people to cover up his deadly involvement.

It is time for justice. It is time for a deeper investigation.

There are several bills in Congress right now to hold Fauci accountable and end his control over the American people. Now is the time to set our nation free from this man's deadly lies. Send an urgent fax today to demand legislators support this legislation now. -- Mat

Last year, Liberty Counsel Action said that COVID-19 likely came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Facebook, PolitiFact, The Washington Post and many others censored us, calling it a "conspiracy theory." But now Mark Zuckerberg has reversed course. PolitiFact has removed its "fact check" article. And the Post has backpeddled with its article of May 25: "Timeline: How the Wuhan lab-leak theory suddenly became credible."

And now even Fauci admits what he once denied. The emails show he knew this last year. He lied to cover up.

Dr. Fauci was frantically trying to hide how he funded gain-of-function research (making a virus more contagious and deadly) in the Wuhan lab that very likely created COVID-19!

An email from a scientist to Fauci states, "The unusual features of the [COVID] virus ... look engineered."

The next day, Fauci sent a frantic email to his deputy, Dr. Hugh Auchincloss, saying, "it is essential that we speak this AM. ... You will have tasks today that must be done." Fauci attached a PDF titled "gain-of-function" with the names of two scientists working with the Wuhan lab.

One scientist publicly lists Fauci and the NIAID/NIH in her paper and thanks him for contributing to her gain-of-function work with the Wuhan lab!

However, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned Fauci under oath, he denied these two scientists had conducted gain-of-function research. But Fauci's email proves that was a lie and Fauci knew it.

There should be zero tolerance in our nation for a leader who paid to create this virus, personally benefited from it and lied to the American people about it. It's time to hold Dr. Fauci accountable. Congress needs to hear from you! Send an urgent fax to demand support for a bill that will fire Fauci.

An explosive study by British Professor of Oncology Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist and virologist Dr. Birger Sørensen claims there is scientific proof that COVID-19 was artificially created in China. The "unique fingerprints" indicate it could only have originated in a laboratory.

There needs to be a full and thorough investigation into Fauci. There is still much we don't know about his lies.

In 2014, the U.S. government banned risky gain-of-function virology studies conducted by Dr. Shi Zhengli at the University of North Carolina. It even banned all U.S. funding for such studies worldwide. However, between 2014 and 2019, Dr. Fauci continued to use the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to illegally award a total of $3.7 million in grants through the EcoHealth Alliance to study the "risk of future coronavirus (CoV) emergence from wildlife using in-depth field investigations across the human-wildlife interface in China," according to the Washington Examiner. Bats are one of the main focuses of this organization. At least $600,000 funded this Wuhan lab's research on bat coronaviruses!

Call on Congress to take action right now with your fax to every legislator to demand an investigation and their support for legislation that will get Fauci fired.

It doesn't just stop there. The Wuhan lab with Dr. Fauci money was also caught lying about its leadership's ties to the Communist Chinese military! Since that point, China has boasted about how it became stronger because of COVID by holding medical supplies hostage from countries in need.

All of this was aided by Fauci's funneling your tax dollars to this Wuhan lab. Yet, once he was caught lying about it, then Fauci actually defended his decision to send your tax dollars to this lab!

Send an urgent "FIRE FAUCI" fax to Congress demanding members remove Fauci from office and fully investigate him for criminal misbehavior.

Our staff is working to carry your voice to the people on Capitol Hill that can fire Fauci. Your support is the only reason we are able to bring people from across America together. We are stronger together than any one of us could be alone.

You can DOUBLE the impact of your donation through our Challenge Grant by giving today!

Proverbs states "when a wicked man rules, people groan." It is time to remove the leadership of Fauci from our nation! Please keep this effort in prayer.


Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Join our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your donation today.

P.P.S. There is a growing mountain of evidence against Dr. Fauci. He has lost trust. He must be removed. Send your urgent fax to Congress to demand further investigation and removal of Fauci from his position. If you prefer, sign our petition that will be delivered to key leaders on Capitol Hill.



Brody, D. (2021 May 25). Sen. Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci should be fired for committing perjury and lying to Americans. The Water Cooler with David Brody.

Carlson, T. (2021, Jun 2). Tucker: Fauci deserves to be under 'criminal investigation.' Fox News Channel: Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Davidson, W. (2021, May 12). Press Release: Davidson Introduces FIRED Act. Ohio's Eight District Representative Website.