Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Election Fraud Bill Is Not Dead

Jun 24, 2021

The election fraud bill is not dead. THIS is the linchpin of the Democrats’ domestic and global agenda.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted, “We keep saying, we are not going away until we—we pass legislation to stop gun violence. And we will have a better chance to do that if we pass H.R. 1 ... So again, the ‘For the People Act’ is really important for many reasons.”

She is saying for Democrats to have a 60+, filibuster-proof majority to dominate the Senate, they need to pass their election fraud bill—HR 1 (S 1/S 2093)!

Sen. Manchin’s version is not a “compromise.” It is a sleight of hand that is no better than HR 1! I’ll explain how below. But already at least two Republicans are either supporting this version or refusing to oppose it! This is critical. Fax the senators to demand they block and fight ALL efforts to destroy election integrity now. —Mat

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is pushing many aspects of the failed “John Lewis Voting Rights Act” (John Lewis Act). Let’s unpack what this bill will actually do.

It will halt ALL election reform efforts designed to eliminate election fraud. Whether it is voter ID, mail-in ballots, drop boxes, cleaning up voter rolls, redistricting and more—the John Lewis Act gives the U.S. Department of Justice the final word through what is called “preclearance” in all 50 states and 3,000+ counties.

The DOJ will become the FINAL WORD on all election laws and policies. Democrats are already saying this will necessitate a significant increase in the DOJ budget. Including spending as part of the election fraud bill is a ploy to pass the bill as part of budget reconciliation—which needs only 51 votes. Thanks to Manchin caving, Democrats now have that number.

The DOJ will rule against EVERY effort to strengthen election integrity. The DOJ opposes the recount in Arizona. The DOJ and Democrats call the voter ID requirement in Georgia “racist.”

The newest bill (S 2093) has added nearly 100 pages more than HR 1 (S 1). The John Lewis Act “preclearance” for every state and county will give the Democrats the tool they need to accomplish everything in HR 1 (S 1).

We must send a strong message to Congress that we reject a federal takeover of our elections, no stealing of our votes and no legalizing voter fraud! This bill will have an immediate (and permanent) impact on our nation. Click here or the button below to send your fax to every senator you can.

That is just the start of what is mandated in this new version:

  • Demands district boundaries be chosen by a computer model—but Google’s so-called “neutral search algorithms” created Gestapo-like censorship. Now, Democrats want you to trust Big Tech!
  • Forces states to accept “alternatives” to photo IDs.
  • Mandates early voting.
  • Automatically registers everyone in the DMV (including kids, illegal aliens and felons even before they have paid their debt to society).
  • Punishes “false information” about the election, but politicians and Big Tech label “false or misleading” anything they don’t want you to know.

It’s time to wake up. Yes, censorship and communist-style control can happen in America if we don’t fight it now!

A defector from North Korea attended an Ivy League university and recently came forward and exposed that it “felt like the regression in civilization. ... Even North Korea is not this nuts.” Yeonmi Park fears the United States’ future is “as bleak as North Korea.” She said, “I thought America was different, but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”

These election fraud bills will give total power to one party and one viewpoint in the area of elections and political speech!

We must not rest. We must demand our freedom before it’s too late. Send your urgent fax to the Senate to demand our legislators uphold election integrity and vote against ALL efforts to make election fraud permanent and protected!

Joe Biden has reportedly referred to HR 1 as his “trophy legislation.” The Democrats leading this charge are not giving up. We must also stop Republicans, like Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), from caving!

Don’t be fooled into thinking we won, or that Manchin’s “compromise” is any better than HR 1. You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. We do not want legalized election fraud in our nation!

This is why it’s critical that we continue to tell Congress to end all efforts to push fraud onto the American people. Click to send your critical fax directly to as many senators as possible.

We can only be your voice in Washington and in the states fighting for election integrity if you stand with us in prayer, support and action. Help us fight for election integrity and against these bills today. DOUBLE YOUR DONATION through our Challenge Grant today. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

“Dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother” (Zech. 7:9b). Join me in prayer that true justice will prevail.


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. We have a Challenge Grant that will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations! Select here to equip our staff to fight this battle for a free and fair election.

Then send a fax directly to senators urging them to stop these bills to destroy our nation. And sign our petition against this bill.


Sahakian, Teny. “North Korean Defector Says 'Even North Korea Was Not This Nuts' after Attending Ivy League School.” Fox News, June 14, 2021.

H.R.1 - For the People Act of 2021. (2021, Jan 4). 117th Congress (2021-2022 Session).

NBC News. (Accessed: 2021, Jun 23). Manchin compromise. Document Cloud: PDF document.