Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

New Data—More Deadly Than Disease

Mar 25, 2022

A military member was told he had until August to decide about the COVID shot ...

But his commander just moved up the deadline.

Now, he has to decide TODAY between the jab and his military career. Sticking with his religious conviction against the shot will not only end his career, but such a decision will include severe punishment.

We are experiencing a “second wave” of pleas for help. My staff is overwhelmed with requests from hundreds of people in our military begging for help. Their stories break my heart. I cannot put into words the level of emotion we are experiencing.

LC Action is on the front lines fighting day in and day out. Our staff is working on policies and bills on Capitol Hill and at the state level to restore freedom. We have work to do because a majority of states have not protected these freedoms. HELP US STOP THE SHOT MANDATES with pressure on these state and federal elected officials through your critical faxes today. —Mat

We are working long hours to help people who are facing mandatory injections.

Military flight surgeon Lt. Col. Theresa Long testified in court that the COVID shots have killed more service members than COVID.

Yes, you read that right. The shots are more deadly to our military members than the disease! There are 93 reported COVID deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 among service members. There are 127 deaths of service members from the COVID shots reported in VAERS in 2021 alone!

Several media sources picked up this information discovered by our team in the lawsuit against Biden’s mandates for the military.

No wonder why the Biden administration threatened Dr. Long to not testify about her knowledge of the devastating effects of the shots on these military members.

Remember that COVID deaths have been inflated while VAERS-reported deaths are underreported. Yet even with the pressure on military doctors to NOT report deaths from the shots, the body count is still higher in one year from the shots compared to two years of COVID.

The CDC admitted that “the actual rates of myocarditis per million doses of vaccine are likely higher than estimated” by VAERS reports in the general population. So, it is virtually certain that the variance between 93 deaths from COVID to 127 deaths from the shots is much greater.

Scores of people are reaching out for help. We must help these desperate people. We will not abandon them. Help us by fighting back and demanding that our state and federal elected officials end these outrageous, deadly mandates, Vaccine Passports and attacks on religious freedom.

It is now clear that the COVID shots are not effective. Double vaxxed and boosted, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki has COVID for the second time.

The U.K. recently published data that “fully vaccinated people account for 82% of recent COVID-19 deaths.” In addition, another 9% were partially vaccinated. In fact, mortality in people who “were not vaccinated was just 487, whilst a further 88 were partly vaccinated, but a shocking 2,185 were fully vaccinated” between September 27 and October 24.

The EudraVigilance (the equivalent of VAERS for the EU) reports 41,834 deaths and 3,900,241 injuries related to the COVID shots.

Taking these COVID shots is a life-or-death decision. The choice should be left up to each individual. According to our VAERS, there are 25,641 people who are dead after these shots along with 4,335 miscarriages. Additionally, 29,136 people are in life-threatening situations and another 47,676 are now permanently disabled.

No one should be forced to take these shots. Yet the calls coming in to my staff show that people are under massive pressure and are being forced on a daily basis to take the shot. Send your fax today to demand that our state and federal elected officials act to restore freedom.

In the midst of these battles, we are seeing victories. We have helped countless people get religious exemptions. My Vaccine Exemption Guide video has been viewed more than 1 million times. But the tragedy is some have already lost their jobs or will face discipline if we don’t prevail. Even worse, our brave military heroes will be discharged and severely punished.


HELP US HELP THESE DESPERATE PEOPLE. I invite you to join us by supporting Liberty Counsel Action with a monthly donation or a one-time gift. DOUBLE the impact of your gift.

God bless,

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. You can also sign our petition against these mandatory shots and Vaccine Passports.


“41,834 Dead 3.9 Million Injured Following Covid Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%.” Health Impact News, March 22, 2022.

Baker, Sinéad. “Psaki Gives Netflix Tips to Hillary Clinton as Both Deal with COVID-19 at the Same Time.” Yahoo! News. March 23, 2022.

Horowitz, Daniel. “More VAERS-Reported Vaccine Deaths in Our Military than COVID Deaths.” TheBlaze. March 21, 2022.

“Official Figures Show Fully Vaccinated Accounted for 82% of Covid-19 Deaths & 66% of Hospitalisations in England during the Past Month.” The Exposé. October 29, 2021.