Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

They Don't Want You to Know This

Aug 18, 2022

“I was the only child who experienced life under ‘gay parenting’ as that term is understood today. Quite simply, growing up with gay parents was very difficult,” wrote Robert Oscar Lopez, who was raised by two lesbians his whole childhood.

I’ll explain below the negative impact this had on Robert, from his college experience, his personal relationships and even his professional opportunities.

Right now, there is a bill in Congress that will permanently give the government’s blessing on relationships like in the home where Robert was raised, without one mention or thought of the impact this will have on children like Robert and the way it will cloud and harm their future.

The so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” (HR 8404) has disastrous consequences both morally and practically. This bill would force the worst marriage laws on everyone. Rush your urgent faxes to every Senator you can to block this bill. Already at least five Republicans are supporting this bill, and Democrats just need five more to pass it. — Mat

The confusion and harm caused by his lesbian mom and her partner is long-lasting for Robert. “My peers learned all the unwritten rules of decorum and body language in their homes; they understood what was appropriate to say in certain settings and what wasn’t; they learned both traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine social mechanisms,” he wrote.

“I had no male figure at all to follow, and my mother and her partner were both unlike traditional fathers or traditional mothers,” Robert said. “As a result, I had very few recognizable social cues to offer potential male or female friends. … I befriended people rarely and alienated others easily. … Many gays don’t realize what a blessing it was to be reared in a traditional home. ...

“When I stepped outside of my mothers’ trailer, I was immediately tagged as an outcast because of my girlish mannerisms, funny clothes, lisp, and outlandishness. Not surprisingly, I left high school … never having had a girlfriend, instead having gone to four proms as a wisecracking sidekick to girls who just wanted someone to chip in for a limousine.”

But that quickly led to college and a dive into the degenerate aspect of the homosexual lifestyle. “In the Bronx gay world, I cleaned out enough apartments of men who’d died of AIDS to understand that resistance to sexual temptation is central to any kind of humane society. Sex can be hurtful not only because of infectious diseases but also because it leaves us vulnerable and more likely to cling to people who don’t love us. ... The left understands none of that.”

HR 8404 will trap kids permanently into being raised by people in these damaging relationships and harm present and future generations. This will have disastrous consequences for our nation. The nation is only as strong as the core family unit. We have a short window now to stop HR 8404. Rush faxes to Senators urging them to stop this bill NOW!

Robert’s story went untold until one man, Mark Regnerus, released a study on the impact of same sex parenting on children. He found a long list of characteristics.

Children raised in same-sex homes (compared to mother-father married homes) are markedly more likely to:

  • Experience poor educational attainment.

  • Report lower levels of happiness, mental and physical health.

  • Have impulsive behavior.

  • Be in counseling or mental health therapy (2xs more).

  • Suffer from depression (by large margins).

  • Have recently thought of suicide (significantly).

  • Identify as bisexual, lesbian or gay.

  • Have male on male or female on female sex partners (dramatically higher).

  • Be in a same-sex romantic relationship (2x to 3x more likely).

  • Be asexual (females with lesbian parents).

  • As adults, be unmarried, much more likely to cohabit.

  • As adults, more likely to be unfaithful in married or cohabiting relationships.

  • Have a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

  • Be sexually molested (inappropriate touching and forced sex).

  • Feel relationally isolated from bio-mother and father.

  • Be unemployed or part-time employed as young adults.

  • As adults, be on public assistance, or some time in their childhood.

  • Live in homes with lower income levels.

  • Drink with intention of getting drunk.

  • To smoke tobacco and marijuana.

  • Spend more time watching TV.

  • Have frequency of arrests.

  • Have pled guilty to minor legal offense.

It was after Regnerus concluded this study that he connected with Robert who said, “Forty-one years I’d lived, and nobody—least of all gay activists—had wanted me to speak honestly about the complicated gay threads of my life. If for no other reason than this, Mark Regnerus deserves tremendous credit—and the gay community ought to be crediting him rather than trying to silence him.”

But Mark’s study will be swept under the rug, and these children will continue to be placed in harm's way if we ignore it and allow our leaders in Washington to bow to the LGBTQ lobby and pass this harmful bill!

Our nation is on the verge of going insane. The vote on this is expected to be very close. I'm asking you to act now by faxing the Senate to oppose this outrageous bill and protect innocent children.

Senate Democrats have placed a rush on this bill. At the same time, many congressional members are operating with a reduced staff.

This makes our presence even more vital as we work with key members in the House and Senate. Join our extended Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift right now. Support Liberty Counsel Action today.

Finally, please join me in resolute prayer for America's future.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation given today.


Prefer a petition over a fax? Select here.


“H.R. 8404—Respect for Marriage Act.” House of Representatives Committee on Rules. July 18, 2022.

Lopez, Robert Oscar. “Growing Up With Two Moms: The Untold Children’s View.” Public Discourse, August 6, 2012.

Stanton, Glenn T. “Key Findings of Mark Regnerus’ New Family Structure Study.” Focus on the Family, October 6, 2012.