Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Your Land Is Not Our Land

Feb 28, 2023

The World Health Organization (WHO) is meeting TODAY to “draft and negotiate” an “agreement or other international instrument” to give itself global authority over anything with the “potential to impact public health.”

WHO considers “climate change” a threat to “public health,” and thus will seek to assert unthinkable control over the world — IF we allow it.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's dreams for a national squadron of climate-change goons directing our every decision and dictating every aspect of our lives will become a global reality if we do not stop Joe Biden and WHO.

We must demand members of Congress stop Biden from signing over American sovereignty to a global dictator. We are much closer to that reality than you might think!

Click here or the button below to send your urgent faxes demanding Congress immediately stop the WHO takeover! — Mat


The new WHO documents claim that “climate change” is one of the biggest “drivers of pandemics” and, as such, nations must monitor and report to WHO all “relevant pandemic prevention and preparedness plans interventions that address the drivers of the emergence and re-emergence of disease at the human-animal-environment interface, including but not limited to climate change, land use change, wildlife trade, desertification and antimicrobial resistance.” (emphasis added)

Desertification is the process by which vegetation in drylands decreases and eventually disappears. WHO wants global control of ALL lands. You’ll need WHO’s approval to transition land from farming to hunting — and WHO also wants a say in development. And you thought the local, state and federal authorities were difficult. Just wait for WHO!

I can’t even imagine the red tape and bureaucracy that would happen at an international level!

Having a global “climate change” dictator will result in every conceivable form of regulation and control. The Green New Deal looks like child’s play compared to what these Marxists would demand.

There is some movement building in Congress. HR 79 in the U.S. House would withdraw America from WHO and stop taxpayer funding. And a new Senate bill (“No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act”) was just introducedClick here or the button below to send your urgent faxes demanding Congress to do everything in their power to stop WHO!

The “climate change” advocates liked the lockdowns. They claim, “in attempting to reduce the incidence of COVID-19, the months-long drastic worldwide reduction in economic activity … was more effective in reducing CO2 than any of the many measures adopted in recent decades. During this period of almost total economic shutdown in many countries, emissions have been reduced to values not seen since 2006.”

But these lockdowns caused a global meltdown. People died from isolation. Business collapsed.

But the lockdowns we experienced are just the beginning. The alleged result was a 7% reduction in CO2. The next goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 55% in Europe alone. I can’t imagine the staggering halt to the economy this would cause and the millions of deaths that would trigger!

In addition to starvation in vulnerable populations, more severe lockdowns would cause businesses to fail and people to commit suicide. But these socialists don’t care because humans are carbon polluters, and the population must drastically be reduced in their planned utopia.

The heartache and mayhem these Marxists will cause is incalculable. They must be stopped now.

Congress needs to hear from you, demanding our nation end this relationship with WHO. Make your voice heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill today. STOP THE WHO TAKEOVER OF THE USA by sending your urgent faxes to demand members of Congress do everything in their power to protect American sovereignty.

People starved because of the lockdowns. Lockdowns are not enough for WHO to reduce CO2 emissions. These documents will give WHO control over food, water and medicines.

There are an increasing number of reports revealing that the WHO director-general's communist party withheld foreign aid from starving Ethiopians and denied emergency medical care for children who were associated with a political party that opposed his own goals.

In fact, “the coercive mechanisms [include] ... withholding the benefits of donor-funded programmes [sic] — such as fertilisers [sic], agricultural seeds, food, microcredit, and job and training opportunities — on the basis of party affiliation.

“[W]e uncovered evidence that multi-billion dollar programmes [sic] funded by the World Bank and others have been politicised [sic] … and are used as a powerful tool of political control and repression,” wrote the U.K. director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) after conducting interviews with more than 200 people in Ethiopia, even as aid “more than doubled — between 2005-08.”

And the same person who was in leadership over that intentional starvation debacle is now in charge of WHO and is the same person Joe Biden is pushing to have total power over the world food supply and distribution!

This will end in tragedy for millions of people if WHO gains global power. We are in an emergency and must act immediately to stop this disastrous mistake. It is critical to act NOW! Together we can stop this push for socialism and restore our nation.

Yesterday our staff was working on Capitol Hill to meet with multiple legislators urging them to act now. We hope you will join us by giving your best gift to strengthen our voice against tyranny and support our mission by signing up for recurring monthly donations to help end this now. Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Sign our petition to key members of Congress to stop the WHO takeover.


“Climate Change.” World Health Organization. Accessed February 27, 2023.

Porteous, Tom. “Ethiopia: the Aid-Politics Trap.” Human Rights Watch, November 23, 2010.

“WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: COVID ‘Savior’ or War Criminal?” Liberty Counsel Action, June 21, 2022.

‌ “Zero draft of the WHO CA+ for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at its fourth meeting WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.” Fourth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO Convention. February 1, 2023.