Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Mar 1, 2023
Invoking “climate change” as a “public health” concern, the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently meeting to establish a globalist government that will control EVERYTHING you do — like what temperature you can set inside your home ...
The proposed language is so broad, ANYTHING can trigger the WHO’s orchestrated takeover of our sovereignty.
This week, the WHO is pushing language in the “Zero draft” that says a nation can only maintain sovereignty if the “activities within [a nation state’s] jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to their peoples and other countries.” But if WHO concludes any “activities” will “cause damage,” then the WHO’s authority begins, and the sovereignty of that nation ends.
The next sentence states, “Sovereignty also covers the rights of States over their biological resources,” but this is only if the WHO has not invoked its authority. When the WHO asserts its authority, the sovereignty of that nation ends, and the WHO could take control of the nation’s “biological resources.”
Joe Biden and other globalists are racing to give a foreign dictator complete control over America. Our messaging is catching the attention of members of Congress. But there are still some members who are not aware of these new developments. Send your faxes now to members of Congress to stop Joe Biden from giving the WHO control of America. — Mat
The proposed amendments (Feb 6, 2023) being hashed out this week will give the WHO control over travel and shipping to do the following:
Review “manifest and routing” information.
Perform “inspections” of any goods.
Be provided with a report of all staff behaviors during transition.
Have the power to decide and declare if there is “contamination.”
Direct how “baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, postal parcels” and human remains be transported.
Demand isolation or quarantine for goods (without any time limit).
Implement the “seizure and destruction” of goods, even if they are only “suspect” of contamination.
Have authority to “refuse departure or entry” of goods.
Remember, America will have to construct WHO facilities at EVERY PORT OF ENTRY. The WHO will monitor all exports and imports.
The WHO could refuse entry of food, supplies and even medications.
It is irrelevant who owns the “biological resources” if the WHO controls ALL of the means of transport and can shut down any distribution of resources.
If the WHO is given this power, it will be the end of free markets and the initiation of global socialization. This is very serious. We must push back against WHO before it’s too late. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to oppose this WHO takeover. There are new bills filed in the U.S. House and Senate to stop the WHO. We must act NOW.
Joe Biden is trying to bypass the Senate treaty process, which requires 2/3 vote or 66 of the 100 senators. He knows he cannot clear this hurdle, so he is trying the route of George W. Bush who unilaterally signed America on to the WHO’s International Health Regulations in 2005. Bush was wrong to do so, but then the WHO was an advisory agency. These new amendments will make the WHO a legally binding authority — literally a One World Government.
We must wake up members of Congress to this serious threat. If Congress does not scream to high heaven and stop Joe Biden, these amendments will likely obtain a majority vote of the WHO member nation states.
Even if you have sent faxes, please continue to do so until we stop the WHO’s takeover of America.
The broad language would give WHO authority over how many miles you drive, the setting of your thermostat, whether you can own a gun and much more.
This is a coordinated attack by the Biden administration. Our team is frantically working with members of Congress to counter these threats on Capitol Hill. But we need your help.
Partners like you undergird the mission of LC Action to make our vital work possible. Donate today to help stop this radical globalization.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
P.S. Sign our petition demanding Congress do everything in its power to stop Joe Biden and the WHO. I also invite you to share our messages to likeminded friends who want to see freedom preserved in America.
“Article-By-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) Submitted in Accordance with Decision WHA75(9) (2022).” World Health Organization. n.d.
Biggs, Andy. ”H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act.” January 9, 2023.
“Zero draft of the WHO CA+ for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body at its fourth meeting WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.” Fourth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating body to draft and negotiate a WHO Convention. February 1, 2023.