Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

2 Presidents ... 1 Massive Disaster

Mar 2, 2023

Joe Biden is scheming to give global despots the tyranny they crave, hoping to sidestep our constitutionally guaranteed freedom. He is going global by using the G20 and the World Health Organization (WHO). This is an end run around our courts and our Constitution. The only thing that can stop this loss of freedom is YOU!  

To get around the treaty requirement for Senate ratification, Biden is using the term “accord” or “agreement” regarding the proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) of WHO. Like George W. Bush (who got us into this mess), Biden will try to use the U.S. membership in WHO as the basis to unilaterally give expansive authority to this U.N. agency over anything that has the “potential to impact public health.”


Send URGENT FAXES to Congress to demand they stop Biden from handing over American sovereignty to WHO. —Mat

Joe Biden has got to be stopped.

WHO is meeting this week to finalize its shocking plan to consolidate global power. And Joe Biden is pushing hard to place America under WHO.  

If Biden is not stopped, the director-general of WHO will become a global dictator directing medical treatment for health care in America.

These new amendments will create a system of tracking and tracing like you have never imagined, and YOU will be forced to pay for it!

WHO states it will have the “the capacity to detect, assess, notify and report [health] events.” WHO will become a global body with binding authority over the nations.

Even the mere “potential to impact public health” will give WHO authority to act. This includes health care, abortion, critical race theory, “climate change” and more.

And while that is chilling enough, this new WHO amendment demands payment from American taxpayers for launching this new level of surveillance against you and others around the world.

With the transformation of WHO’s IHR from a nonbinding recommendation to a legally binding agreement, this tracking and tracing is no longer optional ... it is mandatory!

Our national budget “shall” be used to “assist any States Parties, upon request, to develop, strengthen and maintain the capacities” for surveillance.

Violators of the WHO directives will be isolated, and trade will be restricted. What happened to the Canadian truckers and those who financially supported them will become a global assault on freedom under the direction of one man — the WHO director-general (a Marxist, Communist China sympathizer).

The meeting on these amendments this week must meet very serious pushback and opposition. If America reins in our federal government’s involvement, this effort will collapse. The House can investigate and defund, and the Senate can demand this be presented for a vote — because this should be considered a treaty that must be ratified.

Multiple times throughout these new amendments it states, “WHO shall collect information” on you and your neighbors — turning neighbor against neighbor like what happened during the COVID lockdowns.  

Your right to worship, travel, shop, dine or attend any public event is being threatened by these digital Health Passports. Don’t just take my word for how grave this threat is. Listen to Naomi Wolf:

I’m CEO of a tech company. I understand what this platform does. It’s not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about data. And once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all, she said.

Regarding this digital tracking device, Dr. Wolf said:

I can’t stress this enough. It has the power to turn off your life. Or turn on your life. To let you engage in civil society or be marginalized. It’s catastrophic. It cannot be allowed to continue.

COVID was used to advance this plan for global governance!

I warned this was coming in April of 2020. We fought back. But now, these despots are using “public health” to consolidate dictatorial power in a foreign agency under the direction of one man — a Marxist who knows how to use force against those who resist.

We have limited time to block this new effort by WHO and Joe Biden. Push back before it’s too late.

And if a nation, or a state like Florida within a nation, does not bow to the latest whims of a globalist dictator, then WHO can take America to the World Court. Once there, the only thing that those judges will look at is if we are abiding by this agreement ... your constitutional freedom will become irrelevant under these amendments!

We must not allow Biden to give away American sovereignty and replace it with global tyranny that rests in the unelected, unaccountable WHO.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action


Send your faxes urging Congress to stop Joe Biden from placing America under WHO. And sign the petition.

This is a critical moment that will determine what the future of America will be, and we have a limited window to stop this tyranny. Donate today to join this battle against unthinkable, global tyranny.




“Article-By-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) Submitted in Accordance with Decision WHA75(9) (2022).” World Health Organization. Accessed February 21, 2023.


“Informal list of intergovernmental meetings (provisional).” World Health Organization. Accessed February 21, 2023.