Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Mar 4, 2023
If Joe Biden and his fellow globalists have their way, the U.S. will cede sovereignty to a centralized unelected globalist body eager to control health care, food, borders and our movements. The new proposed regulations will change WHO from an advisory U.N. agency to a binding authority with sole discretion to impose its dictates on America and the world.
Joe Biden keeps losing in court, so he is trying to create a higher power than the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Unable to fully implement his tyrannical controls, Biden now seeks to have the World Health Organization (WHO) do it for him.
Joe Biden is trying to bypass the U.S. Senate just like George W. Bush did in 2005 when he signed America on to WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR). We must demand that Congress stop Biden from ceding American sovereignty to WHO! What I have to share is shocking.
If Congress does not stop Biden, this WHO agreement will be adopted. The time to act is closing. Fax Congress now and demand they put a stop to Biden’s New World Order. —Mat
Right now, WHO is simply an advisory body. It makes recommendations, but member countries are not obligated to follow those recommendations.
But Joe Biden is trying to circumvent the Constitution by simply ceding our sovereignty to WHO.
Under the proposed new “agreement,” WHO will no longer be an “advisory” body, but an enforcement body, whose dictates would carry the force of international law. This would force America to comply with all WHO directives on a wide range of issues, including all things involving health care; abortion; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI); critical race theory; climate change and much more.
WHO considers nearly every health and climate issue to fall under its purview. These tyrants are seeking to force unlimited abortion, the LGBTQ “trans” agenda mutilating our children, climate change regulation, open borders and much more … whether we like it or not.
The new WHO regulations will do all the following and much more:
1. Change WHO from an advisory to a legally binding authority (Article 1 and Article 42).
2. Assert authority over anything that has the “potential to impact public health” (Article 2). This includes physical, mental, societal and reproductive (abortion) health, including critical race theory, LGBTQ, climate change, borders and much more.
3. Remove the requirement to respect dignity, human rights and freedoms (Article 3).
4. Give control and allocation of all “health products” (Article 13A).
5. Mandate medical treatments (Article 18). This includes vaccines, medications and treatments.
6. Global health certificates (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44 and Annexes 6 and 8). This includes digital or paper format for tests, vaccines, treatment, recovery, tracing and tracking. Foreign and domestic travel will be restricted in compliance with WHO directives.
7. Loss of sovereignty (Article 43). The Emergency Committee will be able to override decisions of sovereign nations regarding health measures.
8. Increase funding from America and other nations (Article 44A). Richer nations can be required to implement centralized health care and to pay for poorer nations.
9. Censorship (Annex 1, page 36). WHO will be able to censor “disinformation and misinformation” in its sole discretion.
10. Obligation to construct and maintain WHO infrastructure at all ports of entry (Article 10).
These WHO changes will also affect countless policy battles that our team has been fighting and winning. This has the power to erase countless victories, permanently. If Biden is successful in ceding our sovereignty to WHO, this will impact everyone, including our military members, employees, students, transplant patients, lockdowns and more.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Don’t forget to FAX CONGRESS! Demand they STOP Biden’s push for global WHO control!
You can also add your name to our petition.
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“WHO.” Liberty Counsel, 2023.