Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

This Really Did Happen in America

Mar 9, 2023

Two pending documents will give the World Health Organization (WHO) the power to drag America back to the awful era of Buck v. Bell — one of the worst decisions ever handed down by our U.S. Supreme Court. 

Written in 1927, that decision came during the height of the eugenics movement when Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. penned the infamous words: “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” And with that, the Commonwealth of Virginia forcibly sterilized Carrie Buck.  

Later, the Nazi defenders during the trials at Nuremberg pointed to that Supreme Court ruling to justify the Holocaust!

You may be shocked at what Joe Biden is cooking up for America with his unholy alliance between America and the WHO. If the WHO gains control of global health, its eugenics agenda and medical rationing will sweep around the world like a tidal wave. We MUST stop Biden and the WHO.

Demand Congress STOP Biden from giving WHO complete control over every American. —Mat

The list of proposed WHO amendments is dreadful. But two trouble me deeply, because Liberty Counsel Action has been fighting these tyrannical types of measures for years during COVID here in the U.S. But if Joe Biden manages to unlawfully sign America onto the WHO’s global takeover, our battles may switch to the World Court, where there are significantly fewer protections for our freedoms. God forbid! 

Article 13A of the proposed amendments seeks to give WHO full control and allocation of ALL “health products.”

During the pandemic, untold millions of people found relief from COVID using ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and nutraceuticals. But as we saw, politicians, bureaucrats, and pharmaceutical giants collaborated with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and WHO to prevent the sale of these items in many areas even though these products had a proven track record of defeating COVID

We intervened and fought on behalf of many families to force hospital systems to either give patients the proper drugs or to release them from the hospital so they could receive appropriate healing treatments elsewhere. Our team has been credited with saving the lives of people with COVID and tearfully thanked for our involvement. 

And in my personal case, these so-called “alternative” drugs literally saved my life — and the lives of countless other Americans. 

But if these two documents pass, the WHO will have global control over all medical interventions and treatments. It will be able to either withhold — or force — any medical actions it desires. And what is especially chilling is that the WHO operates with the same worldview as the eugenics movement that gave birth to Buck v. Bell. Under that ideology, human beings are not created in the image of God and are thus expendable.

Many in leadership at the WHO even have the stated goal to “reduce the world population” to reduce CO2 emissions ... and this is the same group that would be in charge of medicine, treatments, drugs, and supplies.

Article 18 of the proposed amendments seeks to give the WHO the power to MANDATE medical treatments. This would include vaccines, medications and treatment practices for anything it considers a “health crisis.” According to the WHO, LGBTQ “equality” and even population control would be under its purview.

Under the notion of “public health,” the WHO will have control over all medical interventions — which include the rationing of medical treatment. Remember Ezekiel Emanuel in the Obama administration? He wanted to withhold medical treatment from the young, elderly, feeble, and disabled. He also wanted to reduce human population and even suggested doing so by placing a sterilizing agent in drinking water without people’s knowledge.

The WHO shares Emanuel’s ideology. Its biggest private funder is Bill Gates, who has the stated goal of wanting to drastically reduce human population to lower CO2 emissions by 2050.

Up to the late 1970s, America paid for these eugenic procedures. Epileptics, “sexual deviants,” petty criminals and the “feebleminded” were regularly surgically and chemically sterilized — even against their will. 

Sadly, during the 1970s, the forced sterilization of black women was so common it was often called a “Mississippi Appendectomy.” 

Fast-forward to now, and Liberty Counsel Action has been fighting nonstop against the newest wave of these forced medical procedures, both “vaccine” mandates as well as the withholding of lifesaving treatments. 

We continue to fight the eugenic agenda that seeks to control or kill God’s most precious creation, even as we continue to fight for the right to life, religious freedom and the natural family in courtrooms across America.  

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action


Send URGENT FAXES to Congress to demand they stop Biden from handing over American sovereignty to WHO.

You can also add your name to our petition.

YOU can help us win these important battles with YOUR GENEROUS DONATION that will be DOUBLED IN IMPACT by a special Challenge Grant. Please, give generously today


31 States Have Laws That Allow Forced Sterilizations, New Report Shows.” The 19th, February 7, 2022.

“Ivermectin.” National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Accessed February 28, 2023.

Ko, Lisa. “Unwanted Sterilization and Eugenics Programs in the United States.” Independent Lens. PBS, January 29, 2016.

Wolfe, Brendan. “Buck v. Bell (1927).” Encyclopedia Virginia, January 30, 2023.