Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

300+ Amendments And Counting...

Feb 6, 2024

The Biden administration and the World Health Organization (WHO) are moving at unprecedented speed to push at least 300+ amendments of the Working Group of the International Health Regulations (WGIHR). In fact, they are meeting five straight days this week.

Up till now, the WHO farmed out the amendments to small groups of nations to negotiate language. But now the WHO is marginalizing nations.

Yesterday, the WHO began meeting on these amendments and will continue through Friday. Unless Joe Biden is stopped, he will sign America on to these international “agreements,” giving the WHO legally binding control and authority over the vast majority of the world’s population.

The proposed “treaty will change the WHO from an advisory organization to one whose directives are legally binding. Then the amendments will open the floodgates of forced tyranny from a One World government. These will:

  • Expand the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact public health.”

  • Make “public health include anything medical or viral (local or global), abortion, LGBTQ, “climate change,” crime, migration, and more.

  • Give the director-general of the WHO the sole power to declare a pandemic without the agreement of anyone else.

  • Give the director-general control over the means of production through an “allocation plan for health products” to require developed states to supply products as directed.

  • Give the WHO authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccination, and to implement contact tracing, quarantine, and treatments.

  • Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms, and a travelers health declaration.

  • Allow tracking the age, race, gender, other conditions, and even the religion of every person around the world, and force nations to share that information with the WHO all in the name of “equity.”

  • Allow the disclosure of personal health data sharing.

  • ... and these are just a few of the 300+ changes.

Globalists are desperate to take away our national sovereignty and personal freedom! If Congress does not stop Joe Biden, the WHO treaty and IHR amendments will be adopted and the WHO will hold this global power.

Even the list I just shared above is not even close to the full scope of power the WHO is seeking to wield. Here are just three more examples of what the WHO hopes to exercise:
  • To regulate and control travel, trade, imports, exports, and production of goods, medicine, and medical supplies based on “equity.”

  • To create an obligation to build, provide, and maintain infrastructure at points of entry where the WHO will regulate imports and exports.

  • To censor misinformation and disinformation.

The Biden administration and the WHO are working feverishly to build their coalition of support. They are looking to continental unions in Europe and Africa, to individual nations, to nongovernmental organizations, and even to churches.

It is critical to their goal of a quick launch that other nations see America’s support. If we can strip away that support, it will remove a huge “carrot” of medical care promised to undeveloped countries.

One of the goals of the WHO that is increasingly taking center stage is climate change and its connection to health. Recently, the head of the entire WHO gave an address on how he sees these two 

“For too long, health has been a footnote in climate discussions,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general, said at COP28 U.N. Climate Change Conference 

“No more,” Tedros concluded.  

Now remember that Tedros alone can declare anything with a “potential to impact public health. This triggers enormous power over the medical community, your care, and every decision you make. 

In lockstep, the media chimed in claiming, “Billions of people are at risk from illnesses linked to extreme heat; malnutrition following crop failure; bacteria and viruses that lurk in mosquitoes, ticks, and water; and other climate-driven threats.” Independent media source Grist stated: “For the better part of a decade, researchers working at the intersection of climate change and human health have been desperately sounding alarm bells.” 

So, what is their global solution?  

“We must not lose sight of the actual negotiations happening behind closed doors, especially on the fossil-fuel phase-out, said Ramon Lorenzo Luis Guinto at a recent international meeting. If radicals are successful at banning fuel, the world will grind to a halt and prices on EVERYTHING will skyrocket. 

We must stop WHO from controlling America and the world.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action


Send your faxes demanding Congress do everything in its power to stop the WHO. And sign the petition.

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“Article-By-Article Compilation of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations.” World Health Organization: WHA75(9). 2022. 

Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement.” World Health Organization. October 30, 2023. 

Teirstein, Zoya. “At COP28, World Leaders Turn a Belated Spotlight on Human Health.” Grist, December 6, 2023.