Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

A Crack May Be Forming In WHO's Agenda

May 1, 2024

Last week, World Health Organization (WHO) globalists were supposed to release the finalized language of the proposed new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) ... BUT THEY DIDN’T. I’ll analyze what’s happening and the best way to stop these radicals.

The WHO was supposed to have this language finalized MONTHS AGO, but nations have still not come to an agreement. This is good news. Friday was the last scheduled meeting to draft the final version of the IHR amendments. There was incredible pressure to have a finished product. But they couldn’t pull it together. Instead, they had to schedule a brand-new series of meetings May 16-17 as they frantically attempt to finish before the World Health Assembly that begins May 27.

There are cracks and disagreements forming between nations and the WHO. The co-chair of the IHR Working Group, Dr. Ashley Bloomfield, said, “We’re not quite cracking the bottles of champagne and sparkling grape juice, but we were getting very close and I have every sense that you are all committed to finishing the job.”

They claim to be making “amazing progress” and that they are “very confident” that the finished product will be a “better instrument” — all to control you, my dear!

We are on the cusp of seeing the birth of Frankenstein with the full authority to control anything it demands. The WHO meeting in Geneva is fast approaching. Demand Congress pass HR 79, HR 1425, and S 444 to stop Joe Biden and the WHO. — Mat

Leaders of the WHO are encouraging national representatives to negotiate both in and out of official meetings to find common ground on these IHR amendments. These private negotiations are out of the public eye.

By the way, the reason the WHO will not meet about the IHR amendments until May 16-17 is because the WHO returned to working on the proposed Pandemic Treaty/Agreement. These are the two tracks the WHO is pursuing. Thus far, the WHO has not finalized either one.

In addition, one internal negotiation document shows a foundational difference between proposed versions of the Agreement/Treaty. One says the “State Parties are fundamental to strengthening” response to pandemics. Then in the next breath, it states “the World Health Organization is fundamental to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.” It goes on to say “that State Parties bear the primary responsibility,” but then it states that the World Health Organization is the “direct and coordinating authority.”

Deciding who is in charge is no small matter. But it is clear that the WHO will control and dictate what its member states must do.

I don’t want to overstate what appears to be a crack forming because it could easily be resolved. But this is all the more reason we need to keep up the pressure.

The co-chair commented on the negotiations over the IHR amendments, saying: “The mood in the room has been outstanding.” But the WHO director-general does seem worried that the amendments must pass now to have any chance of passing in the future.

Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pleaded for unity and encouraged people to remember the shared goals among the national representatives and that now is the best opportunity to gain this power.

We cannot let our guard down. We cannot give up. An incredible and active U.S. and global coalition is doing phenomenal work to stop the WHO.

What we do know is that the WHO is three months late releasing the final version that was supposed to be available in January ahead of the vote scheduled for the World Health Assembly starting May 27.

We have a path to strip funding from the WHO. And we are gaining ground on HR 1425 and S 444, which will require 2/3 vote by the U.S. Senate of any WHO agreement.

We need to pounce on this window of opportunity. We need Congress to act now and send a signal that America is not willing to pay the bills for medical fraud, socialized medicine, and tyranny.

Exciting things are happening in our organization that will increase our effectiveness both on Capitol Hill and in the state and local governments.

With over 20 years in public policy and grassroots mobilization, John Stemberger has become the new President of Liberty Counsel Action. He brings a wealth of experience to our team.

These strides forward are only possible because of your support of our efforts to expose and to fight this evil agenda.

Together, we can turn challenges into victories and preserve our precious freedom. One of the most helpful ways to give is with a recurring monthly donation to help us focus on fighting this the best possible way. Or give a one-time gift and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT to help preserve our freedom.

We must stop WHO from controlling America and the world.

Mat Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action


Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation given today.

Send faxes to key members of Congress to stop the WHO takeover. And then sign our petition.


“Ninth Meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to Draft and Negotiate a WHO Convention, Agreement, or Other International Instrument on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” World Health Organization: Provisional agenda A/INB/9/3, March 13, 2024.

“WHO Group Is ‘Very Close’ but Fails to Agree on Changes to International Health Regulations.”  Health Policy Watch, April 26, 2024.