Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Tracking Unvaxxed With Fingerprints

May 10, 2024

A new lawsuit states the FBI was tracking “unvaccinated” New York City schoolteachers and employees using their fingerprints. The city gathered a list of its employees who refused to get the COVID-19 shots, tagged them with a “problem code,” and flagged them to the FBI with a file that included their fingerprints.

Not only were some of these Americans fired for refusing this shot — many for religious reasons — now their fingerprints are on record at the FBI with a flag. This scarlet flag could make it significantly more difficult to land another job, teaching or otherwise.

The FBI is not the only federal department or agency tracking vaccine status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is rolling out four new codes, and you might be tagged with one of them.

These new codes track people regarding their COVID injection status and other vaccines. This even includes a code for tracking conversations about these shots and any “counseling” given “regarding the safety of a vaccine.”

This is chilling. And to think, the World Health Organization (WHO) hasn’t even taken over yet. All of this is happening without the WHO in control. Yet if we allow the WHO to gain authority over America, we will have very little recourse.

I do have breaking news to share — this week, 22 State Attorneys General signed a letter to Joe Biden opposing his plan to sign the WHO Pandemic Agreement/Treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Send your faxes now to members of Congress to stop Joe Biden from giving the WHO unrestricted access to our medical information and unfettered control over our actions right here in America. — Mat

Globalists complain about “disinformation,” but they have been the biggest source of it during COVID-19. In true gaslighting fashion, the mayor’s office in New York City dismissed the teachers’ concerns as off the wall. According to a spokesperson, “These are false, nonsensical claims. No code is part of anyone’s permanent personnel record or is ever sent to any other department, agency or outside organization.”

But this lawsuit alleges they were both wrong.

Independent investigator Betsy Combier inquired and received an email from an NYC school employee that read: “PR = Problem code – Problem code was added to all employees who were placed on 2VM vaccine mandate leave. It was placed there the day you went on the leave. Our central offices placed this code on all employees who went on the leave.” Combier explains, “a Problem Code is ... information [that] is sent to the FBI and Criminal Justice Services so those agencies may research past arrests and/or misconduct.”

Combier was responsible for teachers who got in trouble when they were suspended with pay. She knows this system and understands how it works.

This clearly illustrates how even local governments are goose-stepping with this administration, which now wants to march with an international dictator to destroy our freedom and privacy and leverage information against us. And now the Biden administration is pushing to give this power to the WHO to trace, track, control, and weaponize our own government against us.

Our government is tagging and tracking us ...

The CDC rolled out medical tracking codes to tag anyone not drinking the COVID Kool-Aid.

  • Z28-310 is for anyone totally unvaccinated for COVID-19.

  • Z28-311 is for anyone partially vaccinated but not fully vaccinated with recommended boosters.

  • Z28-39 is for “Other under-immunization status.”

  • Z71.85 — “Encounter for immunization safety counseling, is to be used for counseling of the patient or caregiver regarding the safety of a vaccine.”

And now the White House is working to empower the WHO to demand these kinds of records and make them available to international tyrants, foreign governments, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).

Even if our governments weren’t tracking us, private companies are. During COVID, a company compiled the following data about the cell phones of those who visited the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. The company tracked the following:

  • Where everyone at the Sturgis Rally came from before the event.

  • Which shops/restaurant/bars they entered.

  • Where they slept.

  • Who traveled in from out of state or who lives locally.

  • That local residents spent an average of 10 fewer hours at home during the event.

  • Where attendees went after they left the city of Sturgis.

And ALL of this data was gathered — without a single consent form — to track nearly half a million people for COVID through SafeGraph.

When we began messaging on this subject, we were the lone voice crying in the wilderness. But momentum is now building with the 22 State Attorneys General signing a letter opposing Joe Biden and the WHO. Let's not get weary. We are making progress!

If you don’t want your every move to be tracked and manipulated by a foreign tyrant, then make your voice heard on Capitol Hill right now.

Now, imagine for a moment that a government leader decides no one should go to church, protest, have a Sturgis Rally, decline a mandatory shot, or gather in any way the dictator demands. Sound very familiar?

It is imperative that we fight for freedom before it is too late. Your support is the reason we can continue our work. We are expanding our impact on Capitol Hill and around the nation. And that is because of donations from our friends and partners who keep our doors open.

Join me in prayer for our nation and for our future.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action


Send urgent faxes to members of Congress to do everything in their power to stop Biden from giving American sovereignty to WHO! And then sign our petition.

Please consider partnering with us with your gift today.


288501, 288501 and 288501, 288501 and 2547233, 2547233 and 3155663, 3155663 and 3425608, 3425608, The Contagion Externality of a Superspreading Event: The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally and Covid-19. IZA Discussion Paper No. 13670, Available at SSRN: or

Balmalkov, Roman. “FBI Tracking Fingerprints of Unvaccinated Teachers; New CDC Codes to Track the Unvaxxed.” Epoch TV: Facts Matter, February 23, 2024.