Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Sep 5, 2024
Why must we stop the Democrats from passing a bill that will take us back into slavery like Egypt? I will tell you what this is about and why we must act now!
The federal government designated nine acres as “wetlands,” thereby confiscating a South Dakota farmer’s use of his own property without just compensation.
Here’s the catch. The nine acres are “dry, arable land that is not connected to any water source, contains no standing water, and is not inundated by water at any point in the year.” So why the wetlands designation?
If the family used this desperately needed land, they would lose all U.S. Department of Agriculture benefits, including crop insurance, disaster relief, and the ability to apply for loans.
This craziness was due to the faulty interpretation of a federal agency — the Department of Agriculture. The Chevron deference rule created by an activist Supreme Court in 1985 allowed the federal agencies and departments to run wild, with little-to-no accountability. Now Chevron has been overturned, but Democrats (and perhaps some Republicans) in Congress filed a bill to bring Chevron back ... and crushing regulations with it.
I’ll share below what these seismic changes will mean. Permanently ending Chevron will undo a lot of unnecessary bureaucratic regulations.
We need to stop Congress and demand they not take us back to Egypt.
Tell Congress to stop HR 1507 and S 4749.
Every administrative agency has run amuck under Chevron. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is launching a new “rule” that will cut the business of lobster fishermen in New England by 25%. NOAA has no evidence that lobstering harm whales. In fact, there is not a single documented instance of lobstering harming or killing a whale.
However, Dustin Delano, who has been fishing since he was 5, said the feds made up claims that lobstering impacts the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. A nearby offshore wind farm HAS been shown to impact the whales, but the wind farm is allowed because of political bias favoring non-renewable energy. To these federal bureaucrats, reality is not important.
These federal rules disproportionately impact hard-working, family-owned small businesses like Dustin’s business, which are not profitable enough to hire lawyers to fight big government. This is why it is critical to stop Congress from reinstating Chevron through legislation. Make your voice heard in Congress now to push back on this injustice.
Here is another example. The Biden-Harris administration couldn’t get Congress to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to Title IX, involving schools, so they directed the Department of Education agency to make up a rule. This rule has been blocked by courts covering half the states, but the other half of the states without an injunction are under this new rule as of August 1.
This new rule allows males to use female private facilities, compete in their sports, and use one of more than a hundred “pronouns.”
Using the Chevron deference, schools and daycares have been cracking down on teachers’ religious beliefs and expression. These teachers have even been fired for using correct pronouns and/or for believing marriage is between a man and a woman:
Nelli Parisenkova was fired from Bright Horizons, an infant-to-kindergarten daycare in Studio City, CA, for politely and privately declining to read same-sex books to the young kids under her care.
Pamela Ricard was reprimanded and suspended from teaching at Geary County Schools, KS, “for addressing a biologically female student by the student's legal and enrolled last name."
Peter Vlaming, a former French teacher at West Point High School, VA, was fired for refusing to use incorrect pronouns for a student.
Jessica Tapia was fired from Riverside County, CA, for refusing to use a student’s preferred pronoun.
And the list goes on. Some of these cases are ongoing; others have been resolved. All this was done under the guise of the Chevron deference putting pressure on these schools. Chevron allows federal bureaucrats to make up rules that are enforceable even though they are not mandated by law.
This is tyranny under the guise of bureaucracy.
Currently, there are 15 different federal departments employing 4.2 million people with an annual budget of 2.3 TRILLION dollars.
Chevron empowered every one of these 4.2 million employees with virtually unchecked power and control over individuals and businesses. It allowed these bureaucrats to cripple entire industries with the stroke of a pen — and now radicals want to bring it back.
Under Chevron, unelected bureaucrats could not only choose what regulations and laws to enforce but could also change what our laws mean.
Now, 87 legislators are pushing to reinstate Chevron. We cannot bring back this travesty.
Chevron needs to stay in the dustbin of history.
Our team is working on Capitol Hill to amplify your voice and stop this bill.
Partner with Liberty Counsel Action today to fight these bills. Give your gift for freedom today and support our staff standing in the face of these coordinated attacks against our freedom. Donate today through our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
Help preserve our freedom. Send your faxes demanding Congress do everything in its power to block these bills. And sign the petition.
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“CTM Holdings, LLC v. U.S. Department of Agriculture.” Liberty Justice Center, 2024.
Fieldstadt, Elisha. “Kansas Teacher Who Was Suspended after She Refused to Use Student’s Preferred Pronouns Awarded $95,000 in Suit.” NBC News, September 1, 2022.
Herlihy, Brianna. “Biden Admin’s New Rule Could Put Pinch on Lobster Fishermen While Letting Others off the Hook: Critics.” Fox Business. October 24, 2023.
Lavoie, Denise. “Virginia Court Revives Lawsuit by Teacher Fired for Refusing to Use Trans Student’s Pronouns.” AP News, December 14, 2023.
Molina, Alejandra. “Suit: California Teacher Says Bright Horizons Fired Her for Exercising Religious Beliefs.” Religion News Service, October 14, 2022.
Segura, Daniella. “Teacher Refused to Use Preferred Pronouns and Was Fired, Suit Says. Now District Owes.” Yahoo! News, May 15, 2024.