Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 1, 2025
As we begin this new year, we look forward to January 20. But we’re not the only ones looking to that date. So are the globalists. The closer we get to this historic change of power, the more frantic their last-minute maneuvers.
With the new Congress being sworn in this week, we have the opportunity to stop the final attempted coup of Joe Biden.
Biden, or those behind him, are not giving up until he leaves office. These next few weeks are critical.
Brock Chisholm, the first director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), left no doubt about the ultimate plan:
To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.
The globalists are meeting again to take over public health and discuss “Global Health Equity and Inclusion,” setting the parameters of what medical care will be available based on age, gender, condition, nationality, and other factors.
The WHO and Joe Biden’s ambassador charged with finalizing the deal are pressing hard to get the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) passed and signed by Biden before January 20.
The new Congress can block any move by Biden to unilaterally sign our nation on to these provisions. If Biden succeeds, Donald Trump will not be able to opt America out of the WHO for three years.
The WHO is demanding that nations like the United States provide 10% of all vaccines or drugs free to other nations and offer another 10% at cost.
The proposed WHO agreement also demands that nations NOT stockpile, saying, “each Party [state] should avoid maintaining national stockpiles of pandemic-related health products.” The only reason for this is so the WHO can be the world traffic cop directing and controlling the nations.
Imagine that you need medication, but the meds are in Geneva under the control of the WHO. This is unthinkable.
Globalists are pressing hard to get the WHO’s final agenda passed and then UNILATERALLY signed by Joe Biden before President Trump is sworn in to office. The proposed language in the WHO document will demand a three-year exit period for any nation — including the United States!
We must continue to oppose this takeover while Joe Biden remains in office.
The WHO wants to mandate that everyone has an undeniable “right” to health care, regardless of their ability to pay. It states, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being.”
Universal health care has utterly failed in Canada and Great Britain. “Medical tourism” developed because people in those nations often have to travel to other countries to get proper health care. If you have a herniated disc, the average time to get it diagnosed can be a year or more — not counting surgery.
Centralized government health care leads to shortages, rising costs, decreased services, long waits, and rationing. Universal health care is a broken system, but the WHO would expand it globally — IF these amendments pass. And the WHO only needs a simple majority of the members nations to agree. The U.S. vote is critical to the outcome.
Under the WHO documents, “public health” includes universal health care, climate change, nuclear weapons, abortion, LGBTQ, and more.
Congress must stop Joe Biden before it is too late.
We have limited time to block this new effort by WHO and Joe Biden. Push back before it’s too late. Send your urgent faxes to members of Congress to oppose sacrificing Americans’ sovereignty to the WHO.
The WHO will pick winners and losers. For example, “Nationally determined and prioritized actions, including support, will take into account communities and persons in vulnerable situations, places and ecosystems. Indigenous peoples, persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, stateless persons, persons in humanitarian settings and fragile contexts, marginalized communities, older people, persons with disabilities, persons with health conditions.”
We need to urge Congress to hold the line.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
Send your faxes demanding Congress do everything in its power to block the WHO power grab. And sign the petition.
Our team is working hard to counter these threats. We are meeting with members of Congress to press for action. Partners like you undergird the mission of LC Action to make our vital work possible. Donate today through our Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift.