Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 4, 2025
Pharmaceutical companies have paid TRILLIONS of dollars to people injured or killed by drugs the companies KNEW were dangerous even as they marketed them to the public ... unless those drugs are classified as “vaccines.”
In 1986, Congress passed a law that gives vaccine makers ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY from any and all damages or liabilities resulting from faulty or dangerous vaccines, no matter how many people those shots injure or kill.
Instead, you and I, the American taxpayers, are forced to pay for Big Pharma’s crimes while they fill their bank accounts to overflowing with cash.
Liberty Counsel Action is working with members of Congress to overturn the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, a law that might as well be called the Big Pharma Protection Act, which makes taxpayers pay for Big Pharma’s crimes. But we need your immediate help to right this wrong.
FLOOD CONGRESS with demands to END the Big Pharma Protection Act.
In the year 2000, internal studies from multinational drug maker Merck showed its FDA-approved drug Vioxx caused heart attacks. Merck didn’t pull the drug from the market and didn’t tell the FDA.
Instead, Merck launched a massive marketing campaign, hiring superstars Bruce Jenner (then known as the “world’s best male athlete”) and Dorothy Hamill (known as “America’s sweetheart”) to promote the company’s dangerous, heart attack-inducing drug.
The drug company lined up a series of TV commercials, talk shows, and magazine interviews so the superstar duo could encourage average Americans to trade their existing pain killers for Merck’s heart attack-inducing cocktail.
Merck even got the head of the Arthritis Foundation, Dr. John Klippel, to join Dorothy Hammil on Larry King Live.
“That’s one of the important things, Larry. Vioxx was developed to reduce side effects,” Klippel told King. “So, if you will, one of the [instances] where it’s a real advance [for pain], is that it’s a safer drug to use.”
Except that was a lie, and Merck's own internal studies — conducted BEFORE they hired the sports superstars to promote their drug — showed Vioxx was very dangerous.
Merck was eventually forced to settle more than 35,000 lawsuits for more than 4 billion dollars to the families of patients injured or killed by their heart attack-inducing drug, and the FDA was forced to withdraw its approval, forbidding Vioxx to be sold in the U.S.
But Merck would not have faced ANY lawsuits or liability had Vioxx been labeled a “vaccine” — no matter how many people were injured or killed.
Make Big Pharma ACCOUNTABLE! Repeal their liability immunity.
In early 1980s, vaccine makers were facing so many lawsuits over the injuries and deaths their vaccines caused that their profits were taking a serious hit.
So in1985, pharmaceutical companies exercised their substantial political weight through campaign donations and lavish lobbying to coerce Congress into protecting them from the massive lawsuits they were battling over vaccine-induced injuries and deaths.
Congress complied with Big Pharma donors’ demands, passing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, which granted drug companies FULL IMMUNITY from ANY liability for death, injury or damages suffered as a result of a “vaccine.”
That same year, the FDA also lifted a ban on drug advertising, allowing drug companies to advertise on television and radio and in print magazines. In 1997, the FDA further relaxed its rules on direct-to-consumer drug advertising, allowing drug companies to mention fewer side effects and health dangers their drugs caused.
Fast-forward to 2024, and the drug companies are pulling the same trick they did with Vioxx! Television and social media airwaves are awash with videos of music superstar John Legend encouraging everyone to get Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time.
Yet in 2023, the FDA released a study, also published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), showing that combining the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine along with the flu vaccine causes blood clots in the brain resulting in fatal strokes, particularly among seniors over 65.
According to the FDA report, “there was a statistically significant association between vaccination and nonhemorrhagic stroke” among people who received either the Pfizer or Moderna COVID shot along with or in close proximity to the influenza shot.
It was 2000 all over again, with one glaring exception — Merck's Vioxx is categorized as a painkiller, leaving it open to lawsuits. Pfizer’s COVID and flu shots are classified as vaccines, therefore Pfizer will never pay a dime ... unless we can change that awful 1986 law.
Demand Congress END the Big Pharma Protection Acts!
<<Fax Congress Now>>
When Congress passed the 1986 NCVIA, it also established the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a government program funded only with taxpayer dollars, to pay the victims who were injured or who died from Big Pharma’s vaccines.
But, as anyone injured by a vaccine can attest, it is almost impossible to get the VICP to pay any damages. Those who do manage to get paid receive only a pittance — far from enough to cover the lifetime of medical bills and loss of life the vaccines caused.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) own vaccine injury tracking website shows that doctors have reported millions upon millions of vaccine injuries to the U.S. government.
Yet, since 1988, the VICP has only paid 11,485 victims for a total of 5.3 billion dollars over 36 years. In contrast, Merck had to pay nearly that much, 4 billion dollars, to those injured by a single drug.
As of 2023, the pharmaceutical industry is making in excess of 1.6 TRILLION dollars a year. So why are U.S. taxpayer dollars paying for drug companies’ crimes?
Please join Liberty Counsel Action in demanding Congress RIGHT THIS WRONG! Demand Congress END the Big Pharma Protection Acts!
Together, we CAN make Big Pharma pay for the innumerable deaths and injuries their dangerous drugs have caused.
Help Liberty Counsel Action be your voice on these critical issues. Our 2025 Challenge Grant will DOUBLE your gift.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
Don’t forget! Hold Big Pharma accountable with your fax today!
“Celebrities Team with Big Pharma to Promote Drugs, Disease Awareness. Drugwatch, November 9, 2015.
“Data & Statistics.” Health Resources and Services Administration, December 1, 2024.
Shimabukuro, MD, MPH, MBA, Tom T., and Nicola Klein, MD, PhD. “COVID-19 mRNA bivalent booster vaccine safety.” National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, January 26, 2023.
Lu, Yun, Kathryn Matuska, Gita Nadimpalli, Yuxin Ma, Nathan Duma, Henry T Zhang, Yiyun Chiang, et al. “Stroke Risk after COVID-19 Bivalent Vaccination among US Older Adults.” JAMA 331 (11): 938–38.
Mikulic, Matej. “Pharmaceutical Market Worldwide Revenue 2001-2022.” Statista. March 27, 2023.
“National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.” Wikimedia Foundation, November 2, 2019.
“National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.” Wikimedia Foundation, November 21, 2024.
“National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.” HRSA, accessed December 16, 2024.
“Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act.” Accessed December 16, 2024.
“Pfizer Commercial (2023) Featuring John Legend.” YouTube, September 20, 2024.
“The OpenVAERS Project.” The OpenVAERS Project. Accessed December 16, 2024.