Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 10, 2025
Would you board an airplane knowing that the manufacturer was aware of serious and uncorrected design flaws that resulted in injuries and deaths? The answer is obvious.
Would you fly on a commercial airplane if the manufacturer had total and absolute immunity from any injuries or deaths caused by their negligence?
If a company can make a product with all profit and no downside — zero accountability no matter the harm it causes — we would not use that product.
Yet, this is the exact situation with “vaccine” makers. If they make a drug or a device that causes injury or death, they will be held accountable. But if that same company creates a “vaccine,” there is zero accountability because “vaccine” makers have absolute and total immunity.
Right now, two federal laws give pharmaceutical corporations total immunity to ANY legal consequence. In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) became law, and in 2005, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) added another layer of immunity.
Both these bills incentivize companies to abandon safety while they rake in enormous profit. This must end. Urge this new Congress to act now and repeal these laws that give vaccine immunity to Big Pharma and make taxpayers pay for their mistakes.
How did we get here? In 1976, one person died from swine flu and 13 were hospitalized. Vaccine manufacturers dangled a swine flu vaccine in front of the government and then claimed they would not release it because the risk of liability was too great.
In response, the federal government launched the National Swine Flu Immunization Program in August of that year and begged people to voluntarily get the shot. About 40 million did. Hundreds of claims of injury surfaced, mostly from those who contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare and painful neurological disorder. In addition, three people died from the swine flu vaccine. Four months later, that immunization program was shut down.
However, manufacturers already had a taste of irresponsibility, and eight years later, they demanded Congress — when the nation was facing a projected DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus) vaccine shortage — must pass the NCVIA, which granted Big Pharma blanket immunity.
Then, Christmas week 2005, in the dead of night, Republicans slipped 40 pages into a massive budget bill providing blanket immunity for vaccine manufacturers. Democrats fought against the PREP Act. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) claimed the language was “a basic blank check for the industry, not only on pandemic flu, but just about any other kind of ‘epidemic’ that anyone can think of.” And that is what has thrown our nation into 20 years of blanket unaccountability while hundreds of billions of dollars fill up the bank accounts of pharmaceutical companies!
If these are good, safe injections, like these corporations love to claim, then they have nothing to worry about. It's time for them to put their money where their mouth is.
We’re looking at reports of 1.66 million people claiming they were harmed by the COVID shots, with more than 5,000 miscarriages and 38,000 deaths, about 72,700 permanent disabilities, and 28,814 peri/myocarditis conditions. Yet in 2022, Pfizer alone pocketed 100 billion dollars! Not one of these injured people can sue Pfizer. No one surviving spouse or parent can hold Pfizer accountable to the death of their loved one.
Nineteen-year-old Greyson Follmer is just one of those with myocarditis after the shot. It put him in the ER 15 times. Greyson said he had been “a completely healthy kid. There was nothing wrong with me.” Now this elite college athlete and ROTC cadet is looking at a completely different — uncertain — future. One study shows myocarditis has up to 45% fatality, while others say it could be as high as 66%.
We cannot bow to policies created by politicians beholden to the political contributions of Big Pharma 50 years ago. No company should be immune from liability when its product injures or kills someone.
With your faxes, demand that Congress hold Big Pharma accountable.
+ + Are these even vaccines?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed the definition of “vaccines” to mask what is happening.
In July 2015, vaccines were defined as “A product that produces immunity therefore protecting the body from the disease.”
In August 2021, the CDC defined vaccines as what “stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.”
Yet a scant month later, the CDC changed the definition substantially again to anything “used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” which is so generic it could include simple Vitamin C or something as complex as significant genetic mutations. Vaccines used to include a weakened or dead virus, but with the advent of the experimental mRNA shots, vaccines have taken on a completely different look.
The World Health Organization (WHO) changed the definition of “pandemic” from (1) occurring over many countries, (2) infectious, and (3) resulting in enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses. In the fall of 2020, the WHO removed the third prong of that definition.
Since Feb 2022, there have been half a million more reported COVID shot injuries and thousands of miscarriages.
Urge Congress to repeal Big Pharma's vaccine immunity.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Send faxes to key leaders demanding an end to this senseless immunity. And sign our petition to these leaders to be delivered at critical moments in this fight against mandatory vaccinations.
Our staff is working on many fronts to protect your freedom. Our agenda on Capitol Hill is full. Please consider DOUBLING the impact of your gift today through our Challenge Grant.
Attkisson, Sharyl. “CDC Changes Definition of ‘Vaccines’ to Fit Covid-19 Vaccine Limitations.” Sharyl Attkisson, September 8, 2021.
Epstein, Richard A. “Vaccines and Liability.” Hoover Institution, March 9, 2022.
Kimball, Spencer. “The Covid Pandemic Drives Pfizer’s 2022 Revenue to a Record $100 Billion.” CNBC, January 31, 2023.
Rovner, Julie. “Congress Creates Lawsuit Shield for Vaccine Makers.” NPR, December 23, 2005.