Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 15, 2025
The new Congress was just sworn in January 3, and already the U.S. Senate is getting to work by teeing off the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (Born Alive Act). The timing could not be better as it is near the Sanctity of Human Life Day and the massive pro-life march on Capitol Hill.
Your voice is needed to push this critical bill across the finish line.
In the heart of the nation’s capital, a gruesome discovery was made of babies aborted in the District of Columbia and then transported to Baltimore to be burned to generate electricity. The company involved in this evil has partnered with six other medical waste companies and uses a second incinerator in Carthage, Missouri. The “medical waste” of these aborted infants (even viable late-term babies) is being used for fuel!
Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services also operates as Curtis Bay Energy Inc., which uses “a unique waste-to-energy technology that utilizes medical waste for energy creation.” This energy company was caught in Washington, D.C., picking up biohazard boxes marked with its own logo and full of babies’ bodies from an abortion clinic.
Some of the bodies recovered from one labeled box included children after viability with deadly injuries, indicating they were murdered AFTER they were BORN ALIVE. Without a federal law like the one now in the Senate, the government officials did NOTHING.
This is why we need the Born Alive Act.
There are 51 Republicans, two Independents, and two vacancies. We only need a few more from the Senate to stop this incredible evil. Send faxes now to protect these precious little ones.
When a pro-life sidewalk counselor approached staff from the energy company, the counselor asked if she could give the babies a proper funeral and burial. She was able to obtain one of the two boxes she saw and photographed with the Curtis Bay Energy logo. The box had the bodies of 115 babies in it, including five who were past the point of viability, according to experts.
“This means, tragically, that they receive, transfer, and burn the corpses of aborted babies to make electricity for the households and businesses of the Baltimore area,” said Missy Smith a speaker at the press conference announcing the recovery. “If you live in the Baltimore area, you must know that aborted babies have been burned to keep your lights on and your house warm. We call on Curtis Bay Energy to end this barbaric practice, and confirm publicly that they have done so.”
While Curtis Bay Energy denies this claim, the company’s logo was on the box recovered with baby bodies inside it, and the company has promoted its business plan to turn medical waste into energy. One article states:
What would really be ideal is if that garbage could be put to good use … one company has applied this to medical waste and come out on top. The company is called Curtis Bay Energy, and it operates a unique waste-to-energy technology that utilizes medical waste for energy creation. The company’s process serves two purposes: on the one hand, it provides a safe and efficient destruction of medical waste, and on the other, it makes this process even more efficient by harnessing energy from the byproducts.
LC Action staff discovered that both the waste and energy branches of Curtis Bay share the same physical address in Baltimore. The parent company, Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, was founded in 1992 and was purchased by Aurora Capital Partners, a California-based company.
It is unknown how long this company has had a contract with this D.C. abortion clinic, Washington Surgi-Center, or how long the company may have been covering up these horrific murders by incinerating the bodies of children who survive abortion.
This sickening reality should be enough to pass the Born Alive Act. Tell Congress to pass the Born Alive Act to STOP infanticide now!
Sadly, infanticide is not new. It is revolting how similar the incinerators of Curtis Bay are to the burning child sacrifices of pagan cultures. Yet now in America, we have our own child sacrifice.
The neat and tidy boxes with the Curtis Bay logo dispose of their poor little bodies. The company’s website states, “We then transport your material, in full DOT compliance, to our autoclave or incineration disposal facilities. We manage the largest medical waste incinerator in the United States.”
This sickening reality drives me to my knees. But since we first reported it, now this “energy” company doesn’t just accept medical waste that is delivered but it also accepts “waste” that is mailed to them for incineration. This incinerator service is now available to any abortion clinic.
And media outlets are complicit by providing a nearly complete blackout of what is happening. I ask you to join me in prayer for our nation. Pray that God will make a way for us to end this now.
And then I ask you to be a part of this solution. Get involved in changing the culture and the laws in America. Send faxes, sign our petition, forward this email, and/or speak up in your community.
I hope you will send urgent faxes right now.
LC Action can only be effective if we are joined by you and a nation outraged by the realities of what is happening behind the closed doors of these buildings.
When you donate to LC Action, you help spread the message of this unfettered evil. Please consider a monthly donation to DOUBLE the impact of your gift right now to our organization. Or give a one-time gift to help us fight this more effectively.
Thank you for your prayers and support in this life-and-death battle.
Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
I need your help to protect these babies. Send a fax today to urge Congress to immediately pass the Born Alive Act. You can also add your name to our petition HERE.
If you are able to, please donate. Your support bolsters our team in our fight for these lives. Then help us spread the word about the dangerous blockade against this bill by sharing our messages with your friends.
“Aurora Capital Partners Acquires Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services.” PR Newswire: Aurora Capital Partners, April 1, 2021.
“Contact Us.” Sharps Medical Waste Services. Accessed January 14, 2025.
“Curtis Bay Energy, Inc.” Dun & Bradstreet. Accessed January 14, 2025.
Fiano-Chesser, Cassy. “Curtis Bay Energy Accused of Burning Aborted Babies’ Bodies for Electricity.” Live Action News, April 5, 2022.
Panzica, Brianna. “Waste to Energy.” Energy and Capital, August 4, 2011.