Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 17, 2025
“Call 911,” Angele screamed from the abortion clinic bathroom. Her son had been born alive. But despite seeing this very much alive and still moving little baby, the clinic workers let him die … and even turned away the paramedics Angele’s friend had called at her request. Rowan would have turned 20 years old this year — if he just would have been given medical care after he was born alive.
Angele reached out to me, and I will never forget my visit to the morgue in Orlando, Florida, to hold Baby Rowan’s hand. So tiny. So fragile.
I will never forget the day I met Baby Rowan. This precious baby is why we will never stop fighting to protect these helpless children. Baby Rowan is why we need Congress to pass the Born Alive Act. I’ll share the rest of the story below.
Angele was scared — not just for herself, but also for her two older children. What would happen if she carried her third child to full term? “I had been terrorized ... I didn't feel I had any other choice,” she said.
A friend drove her to an Orlando abortion clinic. Of the three-drug cocktail for the abortion, Angele only received two. The abortionist skipped the injection into her baby’s heart to kill him. She came back the next day cramping, bleeding, and crying. The staff did nothing to help her.
Angele went into an adjoining bathroom and, while sitting on the toilet, delivered Baby Rowan.
“The moment I saw Rowan,” Angele said, “I cannot tell you the sickness that came over me and the self-loathing.” She continued, “I was miserable, sobbing. He was perfect, perfect ... just tiny.”
Then Rowan moved. Just his leg at first, and then he curled up his body, as if cold in the toilet water. Angele screamed for help. Staff came, and left, twice. So, Angele asked her friend to call 911.
Angele’s friend told the 911 operator, “It's a women's clinic ... My friend is having an abortion and the baby was born alive ... They're not allowing her to use the phone there. They're wanting the baby to die!”
The operator’s reply was telling: “She wants the baby to live?”
“That's correct,” her friend said. “The baby was just born and it was alive, and they were wanting her to leave it in the toilet and, uh, just let it die, and she's not wanting that to happen.”
A paramedic, two EMTs, and two police officers responded, but clinic workers turned the ambulance away. About 20 minutes later, the first responders left.
The official report claims, “No patient found.” The call was reclassified as “disturbing the peace.”
Angele spent the next few moments cradling Rowan until he died.
When I first saw Rowan at the morgue, he was in a shoebox on the mortician’s slab. I held the hand of this precious child with my thumb and index finger. He was 21-23 weeks. He could have lived.
Compare Baby Rowan to Baby Samuel. While the surgeon was operating on Samuel in his mother’s womb, he reached out and grasped the finger of the surgeon. This iconic photo speaks volumes.
My friends, we cannot remain silent. Rowan and Samuel show us that what is at stake could not be higher. These two babies illustrate the two paths our nation can take.
These are the same options that the Lord sets out for Israel in Deuteronomy 30:15-20: “I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live” (v. 19).
To help our nation choose life, the Born Alive Act will require the following:
All health care practitioners who are present at a live birth must exercise skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child — the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born prematurely of the same gestational age.
After those efforts, the health care workers must transport and admit the child to a hospital.
All violations be reported to law enforcement authorities and allows fines and up to five years jail time for those who intentionally kill a born alive baby.
All mothers are protected and gives the mother the right to sue the abortionist.
We have limited time to act. We have the opportunity to end the most horrible and bloody chapter for newborns in U.S. history.
Thank you for your prayers and your support.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
We cannot abandon these babies to a senseless and callous murder. FAX CONGRESS — encourage them to vote YES on HR 21 and S 6 to STOP THE MURDER OF INNOCENT CHILDREN!
Buhler, Rich. “Picture of a Surgeon Holding Hands with a 21-Week Old Fetus-Truth! & Disputed!” Truth or Fiction?, March 17, 2015.
Vincent, Lynn. “Rowan’s Story.” WORLD, May 7, 2005.