Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Jan 22, 2025
This afternoon, the U.S. Senate will cloture vote on the Born Alive Act (S 6). We need 59 votes so the bill can go to the full floor where it would need only a majority to pass. Congress needs to hear from you right now. The House will vote on HR 21 in two days.
We can stop infanticide!
Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) confirmed that the Senate could vote on the Born Alive Act very soon. “Senators can also expect to vote on another commonsense measure this month,” Thune wrote. “As thousands of pro-life Americans come to Washington for the 52nd annual March for Life, we will take up the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.”
From the Senate floor, Thune concluded, “This vote will ask Democrats to answer whether a living baby born after an attempted abortion should be provided with medical care or left to die.”
Let’s make sure our senators vote to LET THE CHILDREN LIVE! Send your faxes now, then read on for emerging details on the abortion industry’s outrageously dangerous new funding techniques.
Faxes are an official record on Capitol Hill that by law must be tracked and recorded within the congressional offices. Faxes are an effective way to make sure your voice gets on file as supporting HR 21 in the House and S 6 in the Senate. Your faxes will get your message directly to these key offices.
Micaella’s story underscores why the Born Alive Act is necessary. Micaella doesn’t know what time she was born or even what day or week! Her mom “went to an abortion clinic on a migrant farm. She didn’t know how far along she was and they attempted an abortion.”
But Micaella was born.
When faced with a living newborn baby, Micaella’s mom fled the clinic. In the birth mom’s moment of panic, she also left behind Micaella’s 2-year-old brother.
Micaella was slated for an abortion, abandoned by her mom, with no birth certificate and no advocate. After some time (days or weeks) passed, the clinic surrendered her to a local hospital. Doctors saved her life.
“I could have easily disappeared into a world where no one knew I existed,” Micaella says. “I thank God for my life every day.” She then passed through 36 foster homes until she was 6 years old when she was finally given a forever family and a date of birth.
Micaella survived.
There are 31 states where there are no requirements to transport babies like Micaella to a hospital for the care they need to survive. There are no punishments for allowing these newborns to die.
This is infanticide and it is time to end it.
Medical staff who neglect, abuse, or kill newborn babies after a failed abortion will no longer be able to get away with murder under the Born Alive Act.
In California, the attorney general tasked a team of government lawyers to punish Sandra Merritt, who exposed Planned Parenthood abortionists harvesting organs from babies, some of whom were born alive.
The undercover videos exposed the horrors of organ harvesting. Yet, Planned Parenthood and other abortionists go unpunished.
Our team is working diligently this week to get the Born Alive Act passed.
Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action
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“Micaella’s Story” The Abortion Survivors Network, October 11, 2024.
Sivak, David. “John Thune to force Democrats to take abortion vote ahead of March for Life.” Washington Examiner, January 8, 2025.