Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

URGENT: Born Alive Vote TODAY Again

Jan 23, 2025

TODAY, the U.S. House is scheduled to vote on the Born Alive Act (HR 21). These legislators need to hear from you to push this bill through. Already, supporters are gathering in D.C. on this topic, and every single pro-life voice needs to be heard to push this through the Senate.  We must urge representatives on both sides of the aisle to support this bill.

Yesterday, the Senate sidestepped the Born Alive Act ahead of the March for Life. This vote puts every senator on record just days ahead of the biggest pro-life event on Capitol Hill. This gives people the opportunity to speak to these senators and politely hold them accountable. You don’t have to be in D.C. to make your voice heard. You can fax now directly to these senators demanding they take action to protect newborn babies!

Abortion “doctors” and others have revealed the shocking truth that infanticide is happening in America, and at a much higher frequency than you could ever imagine. In fact, infanticide has been happening for decades.

TOGETHER, we can stop infanticide in America!

Newborn babies can’t fight this on their own. We must speak for them.

Their voices are being drowned in trash cans or buckets of saline solution in dark rooms where there is no one left to hear them — or help them.

That’s why they need YOU to be the hero to save their lives.

The clock is ticking down to this U.S. House vote. YOU CAN MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE! Fax as many people in Congress as possible right now.

Prior congressional testimony featured abortion survivors, including Melissa Ohden and Gianna Jessen. After Melissa was born alive following an intended saline abortion, a nurse heard her cry as she was left to die alone. She not only survived but thrived. She now has a master’s degree in social work and testified before the U.S. Senate in 2021. Gianna has a similar survival story.

Her abortion “doctors” were not held accountable for attempted infanticide.

Only eight states require reporting when a child survives a botched abortion. Within this small fraction of our nation, more than 170 children were reported as having been born alive after a botched abortion.

It is shocking that across all 50 states, the Born Alive Act could protect up to 1,000 children — or even many more — each year. Despite the huge number of children who face infanticide, abortion advocates are still stuck in their old, worn-out talking points and lies:

  • This is a secret ploy to restrict abortion. (No, this is about babies who are already born and still at risk of being murdered.)

  • This is already illegal. (No, in about 35 states there are zero punishments for medical staff whose neglect causes the deaths of these babies.)

  • This is a personal decision. (No, gross neglect or killing of a child outside the womb is not personal; it’s a crime).

  • We should just trust the mother and her doctor. (By definition, they were both just actively engaging to kill this child up to the moment of birth — why trust them after that?)

Please do everything in your power to contact these legislators. In a few clicks, you can send them faxes that will get their attention, and faxing is very effective. This is the simplest and easiest way to make your voice heard.

Click here or the button below to send your urgent faxes demanding Congress pass the Born Alive Act!

Melissa said, “Throughout the course of a 5-day period, I endured the deliverance of this saline solution into the fluid around me, breathing it in through my nose and mouth, while numerous rounds of Pitocin were delivered to my mother, to induce labor, and ultimately dispel my dead body from her womb.”

Delivered on the fifth day, “I was believed to be dead ... but I was alive.”

Her birth mother put her up for adoption. “Like a badge of honor, I carried that distinction with me throughout my life, proud to share with others that my parents found me so special.”

Babies who survive these horrific procedures deserve the chance to live.

Send a flood of faxes to Congress to pass this bill.

With the new members in the House, we now have an opportunity to pass the Born Alive Act. Urge every member of Congress to support this bill with your critical faxes protecting the lives of newborn babies!

By the way, a flurry of activity has begun this week on Capitol Hill. On the House side, movement on upcoming issues will be shared soon.

We want to give you the tools to know when these key votes are happening so you can make a difference.

We rely on friends and partners to make our mission a reality. Please consider joining us through a monthly recurring donation so we can continue to organize and empower grassroots patriots across America to take action or give a one-time gift today. We cannot win these battles alone.

Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action


While the evil of killing newborn babies and harvesting their organs after they are born alive has been going on for years ... now is the time to make this stop! Send faxes today to protect these newborns. You can also sign our petition.

Donate now and DOUBLE your gift with our Challenge Grant.


Choi, Joseph. “Senate Democrats Block GOP’s ‘Born-Alive’ Abortion Bill.” The Hill, January 22, 2025.

Ertelt, Steven. “1,270 Babies Born Alive after Failed Abortions in the U.S.” Life News, April 5, 2013.

“Hearing on Abortion Rights and Proposed Legislation.” C-SPAN, June 16, 2021. (Time Code start – 46:08 and 1:22:50).

Mosley, Patrinia. “170 Babies Were Born Alive after Abortions and Likely Left to Die. That’s Just from 8 States.” Life News, February 25, 2020.