Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Remove This Government Weapon

Jan 26, 2025

“The FACE Act was one of the primary weapons of abuse—being used to politically target, arrest, and jail pro-life Americans for speaking out and standing up for life,” said Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). He is introducing a bill to repeal this law.

We are overjoyed with the pardon pro-life advocates. Now we need to go on the offense and repeal FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) to prevent future abuse.

Mary Susan Pine was one of the many abused. For the last 20 years, she has spent virtually every Saturday — rain or shine — in front of an abortion clinic, the Presidential Women’s Center (PWC) in West Palm Beach, Florida. Susan counsels women who are considering abortion and offers help, resources, and support for women who choose life.

Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, brought the full weight of the federal government against Susan, seeking thousands of dollars in his politically motivated prosecution designed to silence pro-lifers.

You’ll see why Susan was unjustly targeted. People like Susan should not live under such threats. We must repeal FACE.

Susan was sued by the Department of Justice for a single allegation that a car allegedly stopped briefly to take a flyer as the car entered the driveway of the abortion clinic. The abortion clinic had videos for every day — except that day was mysteriously erased. This is the sole allegation of the lawsuit.

The reason Susan was targeted is because the pro-abortion prosecutors wanted to silence her. In her soft-spoken and Christ-like demeanor, Susan was effective.

After several years of costly litigation, the federal judge dismissed the case and sanctioned the Department of Justice for bringing the frivolous lawsuit.

Soon after the case was dismissed, Susan returned to the clinic and spoke with a young unmarried, abortion-minded couple in college. When the dad complained that the baby would interfere with his education, Susan told him to take responsibility for the life he created.

But in the middle of their conversation, a clinic escort and a police officer hired by the clinic interrupted Susan’s consensual conversation — as they often do. The escort physically took the mother into the clinic as she started crying, and they disappeared inside.

Susan, and those with her, prayed. Soon after, the parents came back and said that Susan’s words had persuaded the couple to save their baby. She then connected them with pregnancy resources.

She called our team to say: “We saved a life today.”

FACE is used by pro-abortion state and federal prosecutors to silence pro-life speech. We have the momentum to finally repeal FACE after 31 years.

Urge Congress to repeal FACE and stop the abuse.

Susan was sued by the Department of Justice for a single allegation that a car allegedly stopped briefly to take a flyer as the car entered the driveway of the abortion clinic. The abortion clinic had videos for every day — except that day was mysteriously erased. This is the sole allegation of the lawsuit.

The reason Susan was targeted is because the pro-abortion prosecutors wanted to silence her. In her soft-spoken and Christ-like demeanor, Susan was effective.

After several years of costly litigation, the federal judge dismissed the case and sanctioned the Department of Justice for bringing the frivolous lawsuit. 

Soon after the case was dismissed, Susan returned to the clinic and spoke with a young unmarried, abortion-minded couple in college. When the dad complained that the baby would interfere with his education, Susan told him to take responsibility for the life he created. 

But in the middle of their conversation, a clinic escort and a police officer hired by the clinic interrupted Susan’s consensual conversation — as they often do. The escort physically took the mother into the clinic as she started crying, and they disappeared inside.

Susan, and those with her, prayed. Soon after, the parents came back and said that Susan’s words had persuaded the couple to save their baby. She then connected them with pregnancy resources.

She called our team to say: “We saved a life today.”

FACE is used by pro-abortion state and federal prosecutors to silence pro-life speech. We have the momentum to finally repeal FACE after 31 years. 

In contrast to Susan, FACE let me compare her with Mary Lou Greenberg.
Greenberg was the director of the “escort program” at a New York abortion clinic that misused the FACE Act. When she is not escorting babies to their deaths, she plans and advocates for a violent revolution to overthrow the United States government and impose communism.

The NY AG used Greenberg as his key witness to press his frivolous case against a pre-k teacher and pro-life advocate.

The AG ignored that Greenberg’s Revolutionary Communist Party USA openly admitted that it “is organizing to overthrow this system at the soonest possible time,” and is “preparing to lead an actual revolution to bring about a radically new and better society: the New Socialist Republic in North America.” He also ignored the federal law designating 20 years’ incarceration to “willfully advocate … [the] duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States … by force or violence.”

Their seven-point strategy — for “How We Could Defeat Them” — includes training  a “revolutionary fighting force to start the all-out fight,” “utiliz[ing] equipment captured from the enemy,” “fight[ing] in ways the enemy does not anticipate,” “disrupting the concentration and utilization of [U.S.] forces and contributing to their disintegration,” and avoiding “decisive encounters … until the forces of the old order have been brought to the brink of total defeat—and then fully, finally, rout and dismantle the remaining enemy forces.”

We must repeal FACE and put it into the dustbin of injustice.

Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action


Fax Congress and urge them to pass the FACE Act Repeal Act of 2025. You can also sign the petition, HERE.

We must repeal FACE and put it into the dustbin of injustice. Help stop this double standard and abuse. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT with our Challenge Grant.


“NY AG Teams up with Revolutionary Communist to Prosecute Pro-Life Americans.” Liberty Counsel, February 26, 2018.

“‘We Saved a Life Today.’” Liberty Counsel.” December 14, 2011.