Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Critical Move to Stop This Global Threat

Feb 1, 2025

After exiting the WHO, globalists are having a collective meltdown. A Bill Gates-funded paper is claiming that “Withdrawing from the WHO leaves a gap in global health leadership that will be filled by China,” said Kenneth Bernard, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

China already controls the WHO. When China tried to silence Taiwan about COVID, the WHO sided with China. During COVID, the WHO was the advocate for China, pushing the CCP’s lies about COVID.

Following President Trump’s executive order (EO) beginning the process to pull out of the WHO, we have a critical opportunity to codify the EO into law.

We need to have Congress pass a law to permanently (1) defund the WHO, and (2) require 2/3 vote of the U.S. Senate for any proposed agreements with the WHO. We have a critical window to pass this legislation as part of the Budget Continuing Resolution (CR) in March — which only needs a majority vote to pass in the Senate.

In exiting the WHO, President Trump referenced his 2020 notice given five years ago and argued that it already fulfilled more than his obligation to provide a one-year notice. This means that no further delay is necessary to exit the WHO.

The person who frames the debate usually wins the debate, wrote David Kupelian in The Marketing of Evil. And right now, the WHO is negotiating the definitions of key terms in the Pandemic Agreement/Treaty this month. These new definitions include terms like “One Health,” which treats “people, animals, and ecosystems” as equal priorities. These Orwellian definitions go on and on.

The WHO is in additional negotiations this month to add many other rules and demands on foreign nations, even above what is already in place from last year’s negotiation. The existing document is already causing significant concern. There are four main points in the WHO’s governing documents:

  1. Establishment of Vaccine Passports. If the WHO controls all 193 other nations that Americans travel to, with Vaccine Passports, then the idea that the WHO doesn’t control travel for Americans in simply an illusion. Such IDs, when digital, are platforms for the WHO to create databases for surveilling public health and behavior worldwide. They also permit gathering personal information about every individual’s place of employment, income, bank accounts, family, social media posts, travel, and quarantine. This would permit the “China Model” recommended by WHO Director-General Tedros during the COVID pandemic to become a full-on international version of the Communist Chinese totalitarian “Social Credit System.”
  2. Requirement that every member censor “misinformation” and “disinformation” — and impose censorship on corporations like we saw during the past administration, only now coming from the international level.
  3. Establishment of a government authority in every nation that reports to the WHO with control over medical resources and supply chains.
  4. Empowerment of the WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus — the man responsible for so much of the damage needlessly done in response to the COVID pandemic — as the sole arbiter of what constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern” and what must be done in response to it.

These four points have significantly and dramatically altered the WHO’s authority over the entire world. This alteration entails the surrender of so much sovereignty that it will inevitably impact our freedom with the states.

We have limited time to block this new effort by the WHO, Bill Gates, Communist China, and others.

All of these concerns only outline the power currently given to the WHO.

Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, a member of our coalition who was in Geneva during the negotiation of these changes, said, “The manner in which the IHR Amendments were passed flagrantly violates the WHO’s own rules. In defiance of the requirement to submit proposed amendments four months in advance of a vote, the WHO released the final text just hours before the final vote. ... The WHO’s tossing out of its own rule indicates its disregard for the rule of law. If it is willing to disregard such an important safeguard as Article 55, what is stopping it from disregarding any other provision in the IHRs?”

We cannot tolerate these lawless acts of the WHO! What is worse is that the WHO is not done.

Our team is working hard to counter these threats. We are meeting with members of Congress to sound the alarm. Partners like you undergird the mission of LC Action to make our vital work possible.

Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action


Urge Congress to codify the defunding of the WHO and erect barriers to getting back in the WHO now. Fax and sign our petition.

We need your help. In addition to faxing and signing the petition, please become a partner with us by donating today. DOUBLE YOUR GIFT with our Challenge Grant. 


“Agenda item 13.4.” World Health Organization: Intergovernmental Negotiating Body – Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly, June 1, 2024.

“International Health Regulations (2005): Final version.” World Health Organization: Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, June 1, 2024.

Maxmen, Amy. “What a US Exit From the WHO Means for Global Health.” KFF Health News, January 24, 2025.

“Withdrawing the United States from the World Health Organization.” The White House, January 20, 2025.