Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Sep 21, 2020
By: Liberty Counsel Writers
With the Presidential election coming up, the fight for the highest rank in the United States is becoming fierce even in regard to how to handle the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is a repeated accusation of Trump not taking social distancing seriously. Despite this accusation, an article from Town Hall has uncovered that others making these accusation are not taking social distancing seriously either. During CNN’s Town Hall, featuring Joe Biden and Anderson Cooper the following was seen:
“CNN took the social distancing so far that the event was a ‘drive-in,’ with only 35 cars allowed. ‘CNN is following all of the local guidelines and restrictions put in place due to the coronavirus pandemic,’ according to the network, ‘and everybody attending and working the town hall will have their temperatures taken and will answer screening questions.’”
In the article from Town Hall, there are multiple embedded tweets showing video of Biden whispering something into Cooper’s ear. Neither of them are wearing masks, and they are well within six feet of each other. It seems as if CNN did not hold the two accountable for breaking the regulations they take so seriously.
While Biden and Cooper were put on blast for this, their supporters quickly came to their defense citing that both men have been tested every day for the virus. These same supporters were also quick to criticize President Trump for not following social distancing guidelines, yet the President is “the most tested person in the US,” according to the Town Hall article.
An article from The Hill says that Cooper did emphasize that he would not be getting near the candidate. Again, those videos say otherwise.
Is there bias here? That is for you to decide.
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