Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action
Oct 9, 2020
By: LCA Writers
Liberty Counsel and Liberty Counsel Action joined with more than 200 other organization signers on a joint letter supporting Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today, that letter was sent to the U. S. Senate and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary voicing our support for Judge Barrett. The letter stated:
It is not often that such a broad community of stakeholders, representing free-market, family, faith, education, business, and judicial interests comes together to speak with a clear and singular voice. Now is such a time. Because of the judicial philosophy she embraces, the confirmation of Judge Barrett is of critical importance both to our country and to future generations of Americans.
Liberty Counsel Action has written several articles detailing the exact reasons why Judge Amy Coney Barrett needs to be confirmed to the U. S. Supreme Court. It is important that the Judge who takes the seat that was held by the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is a Judge who will look to the U. S. Constitution first and foremost when making a ruling on any and every case.
We believe a judiciary that rules based on the plain text of the Constitution and the law is essential to preserve the functioning of our governmental and social institutions.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett has proven through her extensive work in various aspects of law, that she is willing, able and insists on looking to the U. S. Constitution before, during and after all judicial proceedings.
After a careful and thorough review of Judge Barrett’s work as a law professor, scholar, and Seventh Circuit judge, we firmly believe she possesses the judicial temperament and philosophy necessary to act as a bulwark for our Constitution and institutions of government.
In previous years, the courts have taken it upon themselves to write new laws. Extending their powers well beyond the powers granted to them in the U. S. Constitution.
Judges who inject their own policy views into their decisions are not upholding the rule of law – they are creating new laws.
Judge Barrett has not injected her own policy views into any of her decisions while on the bench. She has proven to be an extremely competent judge who has more than a decade of experience applying the intent and text of our Constitution. Her track record has been impeccable.
If confirmed as a Justice to the U. S. Supreme Court, she will bring these qualifications to our nation. She will defend the true separation of powers, protect our freedoms, interpret the law as it was originally written, and respect the U. S. Constitution. She will not allow for legislation to be passed from behind the bench, under the guise of judiciary proceedings.
This is an important time for you, as an American citizen. Right now, you have the opportunity to reach out to your senators and say that you also believe Judge Amy Coney Barrett needs to be confirmed to the U. S. Supreme Court. Send your fax today or sign our petition now. Then please consider donating to our efforts to see Judge Barrett become Justice Barrett on the Supreme Court.
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