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What is “One Health” and why should we care?
The World Health Organization (WHO) started “One Health” as “an integrated, unifying approach to balance and optimize the health of people, animals and the environment. It is particularly important to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The principles of the “One Health” Approach are being implemented globally and nationally by the WHO, and also the U.S. federal government.
Why is this holistic “One Health” approach problematic?
Grafted into the fabric of our nation from its birth is the understanding that Americans have inalienable rights that come from God. The WHO’s One Health approach attempts to break the nexus between God and human rights and begins to unravel the fundamental ideologies inherent in America's founding documents. Instead, this approach sees the state as the originator of human rights — a significant worldview shift. This fundamental change empowers the government to take those rights away.
One Health elevates government overreach and power to trigger a worldwide pandemic declaration, the same or worse than COVID-19, simply because a handful of plants or organisms are infected with a bacteria or virus.
One Health seems logical — until the WHO solutions require human and animal vaccinations (potentially experimental) to be registered on a vaccine passport or digital ID to engage in the public square. The mandates in the original Pandemic “Agreement” included (experimental) vaccinations, vaccine passports, digital IDs (which would be required in order to engage in society, ranging from travel, purchases or sales in the marketplace, engaging with social media, etc.), and financial passports (which would track all purchases).
If the Pandemic Treaty moves forward in its current form, the power of the WHO during whatever it deems to be a health emergency would be unprecedented. This approach threatens our national sovereignty, God-given rights, and personal freedom.
International Pandemic Agreement/Treaty: Although the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty was delayed in June, it is not dead. Many scheduled meetings seek to revive this dangerous “treaty,” which includes the One Health approach.
International Health Regulations: In June 2024, the WHO passed several new amendments to the International Health Regulations. The IHR has many of the principles of One Health without labeling it as such. While some of the most concerning amendments were removed from the International Health Regulations, globalists have resumed pushing Marxist socialized medicine, dangerous trends of censorship and surveillance, a globally mandated response to climate change, and so much more through the Pandemic Treaty, Pact of the Future, Global Digital Compact, and Declaration of Future Generations to advance their agenda.
National: The United States is already implementing the One Health concept around the nation after Congress approved the One Health Framework through the federal budget in 2023. A host of agencies have implemented One Health, including, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and more . Also, the White House rolled out the Global Health Security Strategy, which integrates the Pandemic Treaty language and One Health Approach.
Diagram above from:
Private investors benefit from government mandates:
Background on “One Health”: This concept has been around since the 19th century. German scholar Rudolf Virchow, who came from a farming family, was an early proponent of One Health. He said, “Between animal and human medicine there is no dividing line—nor should there be. The object is different, but the experience obtained constitutes the basis of all medicine.”
During the last three decades, approximately 75% of emerging infectious diseases among humans have been zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people. This has encouraged modern proponents of One Health. In the 1980s, epidemiologist Calvin Schwabe called for a unified human and veterinary approach to combat zoonotic diseases, providing the modern foundation for One Health.
Take Action!
Contact your federal lawmakers, educate them about the dangers of the “One Health” agenda, and urge them to do the following:
a. Encourage them to remove the One Health framework from Section 2235 in federal law that passed as part of the federal budget in 2023.
b. Remove it from the Global Health Security Strategy. The One Health language passed (PDF) is taken from another bill, the Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health Act (HR 2061/S 681), that directs the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to work with other federal departments and agencies to develop a national One Health Framework to collaborate on preventing, detecting, controlling, and responding to zoonotic diseases.
Send your faxes directly to the most important legislators to urge them to stop the One Health agenda and other tyrannical efforts. We must stand against the global push for One Health.
Sign our petition to Stop Globalists’ Power Grab Over America and Say “NO” to One World Government.
Share this resource to help people understand the dangers associated with One Health. Learn more about our serious concerns with the WHO here.
Fast Facts:
The IHR is a legally binding agreement (treaty) between 196 countries, including all 194 WHO member states, that outlines how to respond (defining “countries’ rights and obligations”) to international public health events and emergencies.
The Pandemic “Agreement” is a euphemistically titled “instrument” that is, in reality, a legally binding treaty with 20+ pages of language that numerous experts agree undermines national sovereignty, includes the concerns with the One Health Approach, mandated vaccine mandates and digital ID, and other comprehensive methods of control in the name of pandemic preparedness.
At the World Health Assembly, which culminated June 1, 2024, several amendments to the International Health Regulations were proposed and agreed to by consensus, which is the required number of nation states needed for approval. The Pandemic Treaty failed, but negotiations have resumed with the intent of passage by the end of 2024.
Additional Resources:
Liberty Counsel Action:
WHO/UN/WEF Power Grab: The Goal Is Total Control:
Webinar | Food Insecurity: What the CCP and Friends are Doing to Maximize Ours
National Library of Medicine:
One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming for Cattle, Then for Humans
One Health in the U.S.
One Health Initiative:
The National One Health Framework (NOHF-Zoonoses) is a federal law enacted on December 29, 2022, as part of the 2023 federal budget. The framework was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in collaboration with other federal agencies. The NOHF-Zoonoses aims to address zoonotic diseases, which are diseases that can be transmitted between people and animals, and to improve public health preparedness. The framework includes:
Congress-approved One Health Commission:
Congress-approved One Health Coordination Plan:
One Health Symposiums
January 1, 2020, U.S. National One Health Awareness Month Senate Resolution
U.S. Senate passes Resolution S Res 462 declaring January 2020 One Health Awareness Month. H.Res 794 was also introduced in the House on January 14, 2020, but was not passed in that chamber.
Informal One Health Coalition partners invited lawmakers and staffers to two Congressional Briefings, one each for House and for Senate.
Centers for Disease Control on One Health:
Environmental Protection Agency:
One Health Commission in North Carolina:
U.S. Initiative: One Health in schools:
U.S. Food & Drug Administration: