Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

Congress to Vote on This Now

Jan 16, 2025

We have a rare chance to finally end infanticide. Abortion survivors and advocates are gathering in D.C. over the next week preparing for the March for Life and this critical bill — the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act (Born Alive Act). Our Ministry Center is ground zero. We have invited abortion survivor Melissa Ohden and others who are helping lead this charge.  

Melissa was born alive after an intended saline abortion. She was left alone to die … until a nurse saw her gasping for air and took pity on her. But there was no law that compelled anyone to help Melissa. And for other newborns who survive like Melissa did, there are no punishments for abortionists who intentionally abandon or murder newborn babies who are born alive.  

Hundreds of these babies die like this in America, every year. It is time for this barbaric infanticide to end in our nation.

Newborn babies can’t fight on their own. Their voices are being drowned in trash cans or buckets of saline solution in back rooms where no one can hear — or help — them. We need you to speak up for them.

They need you to be the hero in their lives.

Both the U.S. House and Senate have just introduced the Born Alive Act (HR 21), and the votes will take place next week. In both chambers, EVERY VOTE will count. We can do this if we make our voice known NOW! Your voice can make the difference between this passing or failing! Fax as many members of Congress as possible right now.

“Throughout the course of a five-day period,” Melissa testified, “I endured the deliverance of this saline solution into the fluid around me, breathing it in through my nose and mouth, while numerous rounds of Pitocin were delivered to my mother, to induce labor, and ultimately dispel my dead body from her womb.”

Delivered on the fifth day, “I was believed to be dead ... but I was alive.” Melissa defied expectations — just by staying alive.

She was born at eight months and weighed only three pounds. Abandoned to die, Melissa’s little body was placed in a “medical waste” container. Her birth mother didn’t even know her baby had survived — finding out decades later was a serious shock.

Melissa later learned her grandmother held a high-level position at the hospital and pressured Melissa’s mother to go through with the abortion. This grandmother openly discussed with family members that she was the one who told her co-workers to “leave the baby in the room to die.”

And that is exactly what was happening when a passing nurse heard baby Melissa’s weak cries and found her because of slight movements among what was designated as trash.

Melissa is alive only because that nurse raced to get her to an intensive care unit. And thanks to her intervention, Melissa survived and thrived in an adopted family. Babies who survive an abortion deserve the protection of our laws, and those who would abandon them should be punished.

This Born Alive Act will require all health care practitioners who are present at a live birth to exercise skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child — the same degree of care that would be offered to any other child born prematurely of the same gestational age. After those efforts, the health care workers must transport and admit the child to a hospital. It demands that all violations be reported to law enforcement authorities and allows fines and up to five years jailtime for those who intentionally kill a born-alive baby. Finally, it protects the mother and gives her the right to sue the abortionist.

Planned Parenthood has been pushing infanticide for years. Shockingly, I am seeing this radical and horrific belief become increasingly promoted and accepted in mainstream liberal circles. These despicable murders of newborns who survived abortion sadly have been happening for decades. The sales of their body parts go back at least to 1999, when brochures were produced with specific pricing on children’s arms, legs, heads, and even their whole bodies.  

In fact, lawyers from the California attorney general’s office let slip during their case against my client Sandra Merritt that infanticide is acceptable — even legal — in the state of California for any child earmarked for abortion!

This shift in our nation explains why, when Sandra Merritt brought proof of infanticide, the California Attorney General’s office (both Kamala Harris and then Xavier Becerra) refused to prosecute Planned Parenthood for infanticide. This Born Alive Act is so critically important. We urgently need a nationwide ban on infanticide that includes punishment for those who neglect, abuse, or murder newborn babies.  

The Born Alive Act is the best way — perhaps the only way — that we can protect these newborn babies. Those who should be protecting them have proven repeatedly that they will not lift a finger to help.

I urge you to make your voice heard in this battle for these innocent children.

A flurry of activity has begun this week. We are helping host a formal evening Christian Gala on Capitol Hill the eve before the inauguration. The next day we are hosting a maxed-out capacity inauguration watch party at our Ministry Center. We are helping distribute 50,000 Bibles on Inauguration Day. And we are pounding the pavement to push a rush of legislation to restore values across our nation — thanks to your support.  

And we need your support more now than ever. Your voice needs to be heard and amplified all across Capitol Hill if we hope to make the changes necessary to turn our nation around. We cannot sit back and squander this opportunity.

Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action


Send a flood of faxes to Congress to pass this Born Alive Act. Your faxes can help protect the lives of these newborn babies today! You also add your name to a petition, HERE.

We rely on friends and partners like you who keep our ministry active and engaged on these key issues. Join us through a monthly recurring donation. DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gift today through our Challenge Grant.


Eley, Adam, and Jo Adnitt. “The Failed Abortion Survivor Whose Mum Thought She Was Dead.” BBC News, June 5, 2018.

Ertelt, Steven. “1,270 Babies Born Alive after Failed Abortions in the U.S.”, April 5, 2013.

“Hearing on Abortion Rights and Proposed Legislation.” C-SPAN, June 16, 2021. (Time Code start – 46:08 and 1:22:50).

Mosley, Patrinia. “170 Babies Were Born Alive after Abortions and Likely Left to Die. That’s Just from 8 States.”, February 25, 2020.

‌“S.J.Res.4 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): A joint resolution removing the deadline for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment., 2023.