Advancing Life and Liberty Through Action

One Was Taken and the Other Left Behind

Jan 18, 2025

A young mom was just 13 years old and thought abortion was her only option. Several weeks after her abortion, this mother found out she was still pregnant. Today, her daughter is a beautiful young woman named Claire. I’ll share below the breathtaking story of what happened that day.

We have a huge problem, but we also have a solution — if we act now.

During Liberty Counsel’s defense of Sandra Merritt, the California attorney general’s office argued that as long as a child — like Claire — was earmarked for abortion, it would be legal to kill that child, even after the child was born alive.

This unimaginable brutality is EXACTLY why we need to pass the Born Alive Act (HR 21 and S 6). With Rule 14 now invoked in the U.S. House on HR 21, this bill can be voted on at any time. And the Senate is not far behind on the companion bill, S 6.

Send faxes right now for these little ones and stop infanticide.

Claire Culwell was born prematurely and then adopted. It wasn’t until she found her birth mom that she found out the truth.

“After thanking my birth mother for giving me my life, she [Claire’s birth mom] broke down into tears at this moment. She described her abortion that successfully aborted my twin. The pain in her eyes is something I will never forget.”

That day, Claire found out she was “the surviving twin of a botched D and E [dilation and evacuation] dismemberment abortion.” That day on the operating table, one lived and one died.

It is impossible to ignore the lives and the future of each child destroyed daily by abortion — especially children who survive an abortion but then don’t get the chance for life that Claire did.

“My life was a miracle,” Claire said. “I realize that there was a face, a name, a story with the unborn child and with the woman contemplating an abortion like my birth mother. You see, when you look at my face, you see my twin, and when you look at my life, you see the almighty hand of God.”

Decades ago, abortion was sold to our nation as the cure for child abuse with one of the movement’s popular slogans being “Every child a wanted child.” But that was a lie from the pit of hell.

“Between 1976 and 1986, reports of child abuse and neglect across the United States rose threefold to over two million … Reports of sexual abuse rose 18-fold between 1976 and 1985.” And while the report discusses the difficulty of getting actual evidence to make a definitive conviction, it does conclude that, “By the mid-1980s, child abuse was considered a leading social problem in the United States and other Western countries.”

In California, abortionists can knowingly dissect a living newborn baby and — as long as the baby was “earmarked” for abortion, like Claire was — then the highest prosecutor in the state refuses to bring any charges! States like this expose why we need to fight for nationwide protection.

The violence and pain from abortion is not limited to mothers, fathers, and the children killed by abortion. The pain spreads much further — to surviving siblings like Claire. The cries echo for generations.

In “A consideration of abortion survivors,” researcher Philip Ney estimates that about half of American children lost a sibling to abortion.

Ney states:

[C]hildren who have siblings terminated by abortion have similar psychological conflicts to those children who survive disasters or siblings who die of accident or illness. There is evidence that children are aware of their mother's pregnancy termination. Having been chosen to survive, these children may have considerable conflicts regarding their existence. Since their life depended upon being wanted, they may become obsessively determined to please or they may feel a deep sense of obligation to their parents. ... [Having an aborted sibling] may stir latent hostility within the child, the expression of which would be inhibited by the child's determination to stay wanted. Abortion survivors may be overprotected by parents attempting to deal with their unresolved guilt. As a substitute child the abortion survivor may have placed upon himself impossible expectations.

When Claire found out she lost her twin, she said that “explained a lot of things for me: my physical complications because of my prematurity and being a twin — a surviving twin; my curiosity and longing for another sibling; my deep appreciation for being wanted by my adopted parents who stand here with me today.”

The pain that is happening from abortion affects the living. WE MUST RESTORE A CULTURE OF LIFE AND END INFANTICIDE.

Our team is busy on Capitol Hill meeting with as many members of Congress and staff as possible. We need to educate them on the crushing need to protect babies like Claire before the clock runs out on this vote!

Next week, we are hosting an abortion survivor at our ministry center leading up to the Born Alive Act vote in Congress. With your support, we are doing everything we can to amplify your voice and make the victims of born-alive murder real to every voter we can.

Your critical financial support today helps us prepare for this race to protect the youngest Americans. Your monthly recurring donation or one-time gift to our organization can have a huge impact in this fierce battle for life right now.

Please join in taking action to pass the Born Alive Act. 

Mat Staver, Chairman
John Stemberger, President
Liberty Counsel Action



Send your urgent faxes today to pass the Born Alive Act to help end this brutal infanticide! And add your name to our petition, HERE.


Jenkins, John Philip. “Child Abuse.” Encyclopedia Britannica, January 15, 2025.

Ney, P.G. A consideration of abortion survivors. Child Psych Hum Dev 13, 168–179 (1983).